About The Word Numeric

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Learn about the word Numeric to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Numeric definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Numeric Meaning & Definition
Numeric Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Numeric?

[adj] designated by or expressed in numbers; "numerical symbols"; "a very simple numeric code"; "numerical equations"
[adj] measured or expressed in numbers; "numerical value"; "the numerical superiority of the enemy"
[adj] of or relating to or denoting numbers; "a numeral adjective"; "numerical analysis"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Numeric: denotative | denotive | numeral | numerical | numerical | quantitative

Related Terms | Find terms related to Numeric: algebraic | algorismic | algorithmic | aliquot | analytic | cardinal | decimal | differential | digital | even | exponential | figural | figurate | figurative | finite | fractional | geometric | imaginary | impair | impossible | infinite | integral | irrational | logarithmic | logometric | mathematical | negative | numeral | numerary | numerative | odd | ordinal | pair | positive | possible | prime | radical | rational | real | reciprocal | submultiple | surd | transcendental

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Numeric In Webster's Dictionary

\Nu*mer"ic\, Numerical \Nu*mer"ic*al\, a. [Cf. F. num['e]rique. See {Number}, n.] 1. Belonging to number; denoting number; consisting in numbers; expressed by numbers, and not letters; as, numerical characters; a numerical equation; a numerical statement. Note: Numerical, as opposed to {algebraical}, is used to denote a value irrespective of its sign; thus, -5 is numerically greater than -3, though algebraically less. 2. The same in number; hence, identically the same; identical; as, the same numerical body. [Obs.] --South. Would to God that all my fellow brethren, which with me bemoan the loss of their books, . . . might rejoice for the recovery thereof, though not the same numerical volumes. --Fuller. {Numerical equation} (Alg.), an equation which has all the quantities except the unknown expressed in numbers; -- distinguished from {literal equation}. {Numerical value} of an equation or expression, that deduced by substituting numbers for the letters, and reducing.
\Nu*mer"ic\, n. (Math.) Any number, proper or improper fraction, or incommensurable ratio. The term also includes any imaginary expression like m + n[root]-1, where m and n are real numerics.

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