About The Word Nullification

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Learn about the word Nullification to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Nullification definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Nullification Meaning & Definition
Nullification Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Nullification?

[n] the act of nullifying; making null and void; counteracting or overriding the effect or force of something
[n] the states'-rights doctrine that a state can refuse to recognize or to enforce a federal law passed by the United States Congress

Synonyms | Synonyms for Nullification: override

Related Terms | Find terms related to Nullification: abjuration | abjurement | abolishment | abolition | abrogation | absolute contradiction | annihilation | annulment | autarky | bimetallism | cancel | canceling | cancellation | cassation | choking | choking off | contradiction | contrary assertion | contravention | controversion | counterbalancing | countering | countermand | counterorder | crossing | defeasance | denial | deracination | disaffirmation | disallowance | disavowal | disclaimer | disclamation | disownment | disproof | economic self-sufficiency | elimination | eradication | extermination | extinction | extinguishment | extirpation | forswearing | free enterprise | free trade | frustration | gainsaying | governmentalism | impugnment | invalidation | laissez-faire | laissez-faireism | line | liquidation | localism | managed currency | negation | neutralization | noninterference | nonintervention | offsetting | party line | party principle | planned economy | policy | polity | position | price supports | protection | protectionism | public policy | pump-priming | purge | recall | recantation | refutation | renege | renunciation | repeal | repudiation | rescinding | rescindment | rescission | retractation | retraction | reversal | revocation | revoke | revokement | rooting out | sectionalism | setting aside | silencing | snuffing out | stifling | strangulation | suffocation | suppression | suspension | thwarting | undoing | uprooting | vacation | vacatur | vitiation | voidance | voiding | waiver | waiving | withdrawal | write-off

See Also | cancellation | change of state | counteraction | neutralisation | neutralization | states' rights | vitiation

Nullification In Webster's Dictionary

\Nul`li*fi*ca"tion\, n. [L. nullificatio contempt. See {Nullify}.] The act of nullifying; a rendering void and of no effect, or of no legal effect. {Right of nullification} (U. S. Hist.), the right claimed in behalf of a State to nullify or make void, by its sovereign act or decree, an enactment of the general government which it deems unconstitutional.

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