About The Word Mumps

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Mumps to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Mumps definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Mumps Meaning & Definition
Mumps Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Mumps?

[n] an acute contagious viral disease characterized by fever and by swelling of the parotid glands

Synonyms | Synonyms for Mumps: epidemic parotitis

Related Terms | Find terms related to Mumps: acute articular rheumatism | African lethargy | ague | alkali disease | amebiasis | amebic dysentery | anthrax | Asiatic cholera | bacillary dysentery | bastard measles | black death | black fever | blackwater fever | blahs | blue devils | blues | breakbone fever | brucellosis | bubonic plague | cachectic fever | cerebral rheumatism | Chagres fever | chicken pox | cholera | cowpox | dandy fever | deer fly fever | dengue | dengue fever | diphtheria | dismals | dods | doldrums | dolefuls | dorts | dumdum fever | dumps | dysentery | elephantiasis | encephalitis lethargica | enteric fever | erysipelas | famine fever | five-day fever | flu | frambesia | frumps | German measles | glandular fever | grippe | grumps | hansenosis | Haverhill fever | hepatitis | herpes | herpes simplex | herpes zoster | histoplasmosis | hookworm | hydrophobia | infantile paralysis | infectious mononucleosis | inflammatory rheumatism | influenza | jail fever | jungle rot | kala azar | kissing disease | lepra | leprosy | leptospirosis | loa loa | loaiasis | lockjaw | madness | malaria | malarial fever | marsh fever | measles | megrims | meningitis | milzbrand | mopes | mulligrubs | ornithosis | osteomyelitis | paratyphoid fever | parotitis | parrot fever | pertussis | pneumonia | polio | poliomyelitis | polyarthritis rheumatism | ponos | pouts | psittacosis | rabbit fever | rabies | rat-bite fever | relapsing fever | rheumatic fever | rickettsialpox | ringworm | rubella | rubeola | scarlatina | scarlet fever | schistosomiasis | septic sore throat | shingles | sleeping sickness | sleepy sickness | smallpox | snail fever | splenic fever | spotted fever | strep throat | sulks | sullens | swamp fever | tetanus | thrush | tinea | trench fever | trench mouth | tuberculosis | tularemia | typhoid | typhoid fever | typhus | typhus fever | undulant fever | vaccinia | varicella | variola | venereal disease | viral dysentery | whooping cough | yaws | yellow fever | yellow jack | zona | zoster

See Also | infectious disease | parotitis

Mumps In Webster's Dictionary

\Mumps\, n. [Prov. E. mump to be sulky. Cf. {Mump}, {Mumble}, and {Mum}.] 1. pl. Sullenness; silent displeasure; the sulks. --Skinner. 2. [Prob. so called from the patient's appearance.] (Med.) A specific infectious febrile disorder characterized by a nonsuppurative inflammation of the parotid glands; epidemic or infectious parotitis.

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