About The Word Millstone

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Learn about the word Millstone to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Millstone definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Millstone Meaning & Definition
Millstone Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Millstone?

[n] one of a pair of heavy flat disk-shaped stones that are rotated against one another to grind the grain
[n] any load that is difficult to carry
[n] (figurative) something that hinders or handicaps; "she was an albatross around his neck"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Millstone: albatross

Related Terms | Find terms related to Millstone: bale | burden | burdening | burthen | cargo | charge | charging | cheese grater | comminutor | crusher | cumber | cumbrance | deadweight | drag | duty | encumbrance | freight | granulator | grater | grinder | handicap | incubus | incumbency | kominuter | lading | levigator | load | loading | masher | mill | mortar and pestle | nutmeg grater | onus | oppression | overload | overtaxing | overweighting | pestle | pressure | pulverizer | quern | quernstone | rock crusher | roller | saddling | shredder | steamroller | superincumbency | surcharge | task | tax | taxing | triturator | weight

See Also | balk | baulk | burden | check | deterrent | gristmill | handicap | hindrance | impediment | load | loading | stone

Millstone In Webster's Dictionary

\Mill"stone`\, n. One of two circular stones used for grinding grain or other substance. No man shall take the nether or the upper millstone to pledge. --Deut. xxiv. 6. Note: The cellular siliceous rock called buhrstone is usually employed for millstones; also, some kinds of lava, as that Niedermendig, or other firm rock with rough texture. The surface of a millstone has usually a series of radial grooves in which the powdered material collects. {Millstone girt} (Geol.), a hard and coarse, gritty sandstone, dividing the Carboniferous from the Subcarboniferous strata. See {Farewell rock}, under {Farewell}, a., and Chart of {Geology}. {To see} {into, or through, {a millstone}, to see into or through a difficult matter. (Colloq.)

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