About The Word Melting

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Learn about the word Melting to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Melting definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Melting Meaning & Definition
Melting Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Melting?

[n] the process whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquid; "the power failure caused a refrigerator melt that was a disaster"; "the thawing of a frozen turkey takes several hours"
[adj] becoming liquid

Synonyms | Synonyms for Melting: liquescent | melt | thaw | thawing | unfrozen

Related Terms | Find terms related to Melting: adoring | affectionate | blackout | bleeding | blocking | charitable | clement | colliquation | colliquative | commiserative | compassionate | condolent | conjugal | decoagulation | deliquescence | deliquium | dematerialization | demonstrative | departure | devoted | disappearance | disappearing | dispersion | dissipation | dissolution | dissolutional | dissolutive | dissolving | eclipse | elimination | erasure | evanescence | evanescent | evaporating | evaporation | extinction | fadeaway | fadeout | fading | faithful | filial | fleeting | fluidification | fluidization | flying | fond | forbearant | fugitive | fusibility | fusing | fusion | gentle | going | human | humane | husbandly | languishing | leaching | lenient | liquation | liquefaction | liquefactive | liquefying | liquescence | liquescency | lixiviation | lovelorn | lovesick | lovesome | loving | maternal | merciful | occultation | parental | passing | paternal | percolation | pitying | romantic | running | ruthful | sentimental | soft | softhearted | solubilization | solution | sympathetic | sympathizing | tender | tenderhearted | thaw | thawing | thermoplasticity | transient | unclotting | understanding | uxorious | vanishing | vanishing point | warmhearted | wifely | wipe

See Also | heating | phase change | phase transition | physical change | state change | warming

Melting In Webster's Dictionary

\Melt"ing\, n. Liquefaction; the act of causing (something) to melt, or the process of becoming melted. {Melting point} (Chem.), the degree of temperature at which a solid substance melts or fuses; as, the melting point of ice is 0[deg] Centigrade or 32[deg] Fahr., that of urea is 132[deg] Centigrade. {Melting pot}, a vessel in which anything is melted; a crucible.
\Melt"ing\ a. Causing to melt; becoming melted; -- used literally or figuratively; as, a melting heat; a melting appeal; a melting mood. -- {Melt"ing*ly}, adv.

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