About The Word Maw

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Maw to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Maw definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Maw Meaning & Definition
Maw Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Maw?

[n] informal terms for the mouth

Synonyms | Synonyms for Maw: cakehole | gob | hole | trap | yap

Related Terms | Find terms related to Maw: abdomen | abomasum | bay window | bazoo | beerbelly | belly | breadbasket | chaps | chops | craw | crop | diaphragm | embonpoint | embouchure | first stomach | gab | gizzard | gob | gullet | gut | honeycomb stomach | jaw | jaws | jowls | kishkes | kisser | lips | mandibles | manyplies | maxilla | midriff | mouth | mug | mush | muzzle | omasum | oral cavity | paunch | pot | potbelly | potgut | premaxilla | psalterium | pusgut | rennet bag | reticulum | rumen | second stomach | spare tire | stomach | swagbelly | third stomach | trap | tummy | tum-tum | underbelly | ventripotence | yap

See Also | mouth | oral cavity | oral fissure | rima oris

Maw In Webster's Dictionary

\Maw\ (m[add]), n. [See {Mew} a gull.] (Zo["o]l.) A gull.
\Maw\, n. [OE. mawe, AS. maga stomach; akin to D. maag, OHG. mago, G. magen, Icel. magi, Sw. mage, Dan. mave. [root]103.] 1. A stomach; the receptacle into which food is taken by swallowing; in birds, the craw; -- now used only of the lower animals, exept humorously or in contempt. --Chaucer. Bellies and maws of living creatures. --Bacon. 2. Appetite; inclination. [Obs.] Unless you had more maw to do me good. --Beau. & Fl. {Fish maw}. (Zo["o]l.) See under {Fish}.
\Maw\, n. An old game at cards. --Sir A. Weldon.

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