About The Word Lush

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Learn about the word Lush to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Lush definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Lush Meaning & Definition
Lush Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Lush?

[n] a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually
[adj] produced or growing in extreme abundance; "their riotous blooming"
[adj] full of juice; "lush fruits"; "succulent roast beef"; "succulent plants with thick fleshy leaves"
[adj] characterized by extravagance and profusion; "a lavish buffet"; "a lucullan feast"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Lush: abundant | alcoholic | boozer | dipsomaniac | exuberant | juicy | lavish | lucullan | luxuriant | plush | plushy | profuse | rich | riotous | soaker | souse | succulent

Related Terms | Find terms related to Lush: abundant | adorable | adorned | agreeable | alcohol | ambrosial | befrilled | bibber | blooming | booze | boozehound | boozer | bottle sucker | bountiful | budge | bum | bursting | bursting out | chug | chug-a-lug | colored | copious | creative | dainty | decorated | delectable | delicate | delicious | delightful | deluxe | dense | drink | drunk | elaborate | elbow bender | embellished | embroidered | epicurean | exquisite | extravagant | exuberant | fancy | fecund | fertile | festooned | figurative | figured | firewater | florid | flourishing | flowery | fresh | fructiferous | fruitful | generous | ginhound | good | good to eat | good-tasting | green | grog | gross | gustable | gusty | heavenly | heavy | hooch | hooch hound | impenetrable | inebriate | juicy | jungled | jungly | lavish | likable | liquor | liquor up | luscious | lusher | luxuriant | luxurious | moist | mouth-watering | nectareous | nectarous | nice | of gourmet quality | opulent | ornate | overcharged | overgrown | overloaded | overrun | palatable | palatial | pleasing | plenteous | plentiful | plush | pregnant | prodigal | productive | profusive | proliferous | prolific | purple | raise the elbow | rank | rich | riotous | ripe | ritzy | rum hound | rummy | sapid | savorous | savory | scrumptious | seminal | sensual | soak | sot | souse | sponge | stew | succulent | sumptuous | superabundant | swarming | swig | swill | swillbelly | swillbowl | swillpot | tank up | tasty | teeming | thick | thriving | tipple | tippler | toothsome | uberous | unweeded | verdant | voluptuous | weed-choked | weed-ridden | weedy | wino | yummy

See Also | drunk | drunkard | inebriate | rummy | sot

Lush In Webster's Dictionary

\Lush\, a. [Prob. an abbrev. of lushious, fr. luscious.] Full of juice or succulence. --Tennyson. How lush and lusty the grass looks! how green! --Shak.
\Lush\, n. [Etymol uncertain; said to be fr. Lushington, name of a London brewer.] Liquor, esp. intoxicating liquor; drink. [Slang]

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