About The Word Life force

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Life force

Life force Meaning & Definition
Life force Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Life force?

[n] (biology) a hypothetical force (not physical or chemical) once thought by Henri Bergson to cause the evolution and development of organisms

Synonyms | Synonyms for Life force: elan vital | vital force | vitality

Related Terms | Find terms related to Life force: anima | animating force | atman | bathmism | beating heart | biological clock | biorhythm | blood | breath | breath of life | divine breath | divine spark | elan vital | essence of life | force of life | growth force | heart | heartbeat | heartblood | impulse of life | inspiriting force | jiva | jivatma | life breath | life cycle | life essence | life principle | life process | lifeblood | living force | pneuma | prana | seat of life | soul | spark of life | spirit | vis vitae | vis vitalis | vital energy | vital flame | vital fluid | vital force | vital principle | vital spark | vital spirit

See Also | force

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