About The Word Leaden

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Leaden to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Leaden definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Leaden Meaning & Definition
Leaden Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Leaden?

[adj] darkened with overcast; "a dark day"; "a dull sky"; "a gray rainy afternoon"; "gray clouds"; "the sky was leaden and thick"
[adj] lacking lightness or liveliness; "heavy humor"; "a leaden conversation"
[adj] (of movement) slow and laborious; "leaden steps"
[adj] made heavy or weighted down with weariness; "his leaden arms"; "weighted eyelids"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Leaden: cloudy | dull | effortful | gray | grey | heavy | plodding | weighted

Related Terms | Find terms related to Leaden: abeyant | achromatic | achromic | acier | anemic | apathetic | arid | ashen | ashy | aureate | awkward | barren | benumbed | blah | bled white | bloodless | bombastic | bored | brass | brassy | brazen | bronze | bronzy | burdensome | cadaverous | canescent | cataleptic | catatonic | characterless | chloranemic | cinereous | cinerous | cold | colorless | copper | coppery | cramped | cumbrous | cupreous | cuprous | dapple | dappled | dappled-gray | dapple-gray | dark | dead | deadly pale | deathly pale | debilitated | dense | dim | dimmed | dingy | discolored | dismal | dopey | dormant | dove-colored | dove-gray | draggy | drearisome | dreary | droopy | drugged | dry | dryasdust | dull | dusty | effete | elephantine | empty | enervated | etiolated | exanimate | exsanguinated | exsanguine | exsanguineous | fade | faded | faint | fallow | fat | ferrous | ferruginous | flat | forced | formal | foul | ghastly | gilt | glaucescent | glaucous | gloomy | glowering | gold | golden | gold-filled | gold-plated | gray | gray-black | gray-brown | gray-colored | gray-drab | grayed | gray-green | grayish | gray-spotted | gray-toned | gray-white | grey | griseous | grizzle | grizzled | grizzly | groggy | guinde | haggard | halting | heavy | heavyweight | hebetudinous | hefty | ho-hum | hollow | hueless | hypochromic | in abeyance | in suspense | inactive | inane | inanimate | inert | inexcitable | inkhorn | insipid | iron | iron-gray | ironlike | jaded | jejune | labored | lackadaisical | lackluster | languid | languorous | latent | Latinate | lead | lead-gray | lethargic | lifeless | listless | livid | logy | lowering | low-spirited | lumbering | lumpish | lurid | lusterless | massive | massy | mat | mealy | mercurial | mercurous | moribund | mouse-colored | mouse-gray | mousy | muddy | neutral | nickel | nickelic | nickeline | numb | numbing | onerous | oppressive | overweight | pale | pale as death | pale-faced | pallid | passive | pasty | pearl | pearl-gray | pearly | pedestrian | pewter | pewtery | phlegmatic | plodding | pointless | poky | pompous | ponderous | pooped | Quaker-colored | quicksilver | sad | sallow | sated | sedentary | sesquipedalian | sickly | silver | silvered | silver-gray | silver-plated | silvery | slack | slate-colored | slaty | sleeping | sleepy | slow | sluggish | slumbering | smoke-gray | smoky | smoldering | sober | solemn | somber | somnolent | soporific | spiritless | stagnant | stagnating | standing | static | steel | steel-gray | steely | sterile | stiff | stilted | stodgy | stone-colored | stuffy | stultified | sullen | superficial | supine | suspended | tallow-faced | tame | tasteless | taupe | tedious | tin | tinny | toneless | torpid | turgid | unaroused | uncolored | unlively | unwieldy | vapid | vegetable | vegetative | wan | washed-out | waxen | weak | weary | weighty | whey-faced | white | wooden | world-weary

See Also |

Leaden In Webster's Dictionary

\Lead"en\, a. 1. Made of lead; of the nature of lead; as, a leaden ball. 2. Like lead in color, etc.; as, a leaden sky. 3. Heavy; dull; sluggish. ``Leaden slumber.'' --Shak.

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