About The Word Lax

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Lax Meaning & Definition
Lax Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Lax?

[adj] emptying easily or excessively; "loose bowels"
[adj] lacking in rigor or strictness; "such lax and slipshod ways are no longer acceptable"; "lax in attending classes"; "slack in maintaining discipline"
[adj] tolerant or lenient; "indulgent parents risk spoiling their children"; "procedures are lax and discipline is weak"; "too soft on the children"
[adj] lacking in strength or firmness or resilience; "flaccid muscles"; "took his lax hand in hers"; "gave a limp handshake"; "a limp gesture as if waving away all desire to know" G.K.Chesterton; "a slack grip"
[adj] not taut or rigid; not stretched or held tight; "a lax rope"
[adj] (phonetics) pronounced with muscles relatively relaxed (e.g., the vowel sound in `bet')

Synonyms | Synonyms for Lax: drooping | droopy | flaccid | floppy | indulgent | lenient | limp | loose | loose-jointed | negligent | permissive | regular | relaxed | sagging | slack | soft | tensionless | unconstipated | weak

Related Terms | Find terms related to Lax: abandoned | accented | accepting | admissive | aleatoric | aleatory | allowing | alveolar | amorphous | apical | apico-alveolar | apico-dental | approximate | approximative | articulated | assimilated | back | backward | bagging | baggy | barytone | behindhand | bilabial | blobby | blurred | blurry | bone-lazy | broad | broad-minded | cacuminal | cadging | careless | central | cerebral | chambering | chance | chancy | chaotic | checked | clement | close | compassionate | confused | consenting | consonant | consonantal | continuant | culpably negligent | dallying | dangling | delaying | delinquent | dental | derelict | dilatory | dillydallying | disordered | disregardful | dissimilated | doless | do-nothing | dorsal | dronish | drony | drooping | ease | ease off | easy | easygoing | ergophobic | faineant | flabby | flaccid | flapping | flat | flimsy | floppy | foggy | foot-dragging | forbearant | forbearing | forgetful | forgiving | freethinking | front | fuzzy | general | gentle | glide | glossal | glottal | go-go | good-for-nothing | guttural | hanging | hard | hazy | heavy | high | hit-or-miss | humane | ill-defined | immoderate | impotent | imprecise | inaccurate | inadvertent | inattentive | inchoate | incoherent | incontinent | incorrect | indecisive | indefinable | indefinite | indeterminable | indeterminate | indifferent | indistinct | indolent | indulgent | inexact | intemperate | intonated | irrepressible | labial | labiodental | labiovelar | lackadaisical | laggard | lagging | laissez-faire | lateral | latitudinarian | lazy | lenient | liberal | libertarian | libertine | licentious | light | limp | lingering | lingual | liquid | loitering | loose | loose-moraled | loosen | low | merciful | Micawberish | mid | mild | moderate | monophthongal | muted | narrow | nasal | nasalized | neglectful | neglecting | negligent | nonaggressive | noninterfering | nonprohibitive | nonrestrictive | nonspecific | oblivious | obscure | occlusive | of easy virtue | of loose morals | off-guard | open | open-minded | orderless | out of control | out of hand | out of line | out of plumb | out of square | out of true | overindulgent | overly permissive | overpermissive | oxytone | palatal | palatalized | Paphian | parasitic | patient | permissive | permitting | pharyngeal | pharyngealized | phonemic | phonetic | phonic | pitch | pitched | posttonic | procrastinating | procrastinative | procrastinatory | promiscuous | rampant | random | regardless | reinless | relax | relaxed | remiss | retroflex | rickety | riotous | rounded | rubbery | scamping | scrounging | semivowel | shadowed forth | shadowy | shaky | shapeless | shiftless | shuffling | skimping | slack | slacken | slighting | slipshod | sloppy | slothful | slow | sluggish | slurring | soft | sonant | sponging | stochastic | stopped | streaming | stressed | strong | suffering | surd | sweeping | syllabic | tender | tense | thick | throaty | tolerant | tolerating | tonal | tonic | twangy | unaccented | unbigoted | unbridled | unchecked | uncircumspect | unclear | uncoerced | uncompelled | unconstrained | uncontrolled | uncurbed | undefined | undestined | undetermined | unenterprising | unfactual | unforced | ungoverned | unguarded | uninhibited | unmastered | unmeasured | unmindful | unmuzzled | unplain | unprecise | unprohibitive | unreined | unrepressed | unreserved | unrestrained | unrestrictive | unrigorous | unrounded | unruly | unspecified | unstressed | unsubdued | unsuppressed | untighten | unwary | unwatchful | vague | veiled | velar | vocalic | vocoid | voiced | voiceless | vowel | vowellike | wanton | wayward | weak | whorish | wide | wild | work-shy

See Also |

Lax In Webster's Dictionary

\Lax\, a. [Compar. {Laxer}; superl. {Laxest}.] [L. laxus Cf. {Laches}, {Languish}, {Lease}, v. t., {Leash}.] 1. Not tense, firm, or rigid; loose; slack; as, a lax bandage; lax fiber. The flesh of that sort of fish being lax and spongy. --Ray. 2. Not strict or stringent; not exact; loose; weak; vague; equivocal. The discipline was lax. --Macaulay. Society at that epoch was lenient, if not lax, in matters of the passions. --J. A. Symonds. The word ``[ae]ternus'' itself is sometimes of a lax signification. --Jortin. 3. Having a looseness of the bowels; diarrheal. Syn: Loose; slack; vague; unconfined; unrestrained; dissolute; licentious.
\Lax\, n. A looseness; diarrhea.

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Crossword Dictionary