About The Word Laminate

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Learn about the word Laminate to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Laminate definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Laminate Meaning & Definition
Laminate Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Laminate?

[n] a sheet of material made by bonding two or more sheets or layers
[v] split (wood) into thin sheets
[v] cover with a thin sheet; "laminate the table"
[v] press or beat (metals) into thin sheets
[v] create laminate by putting together several thin sheets of a material

Synonyms | Synonyms for Laminate:

Related Terms | Find terms related to Laminate: adhesive | arrange in layers | cast plastic | cellulose plastic | delaminate | desquamate | exfoliate | extruded plastic | flake | lay down | lay up | layer | molded plastic | molding compounds | plastic | polymer | protein plastic | resin plastic | scale | stratify | synthetic | synthetic fabric | synthetic rubber | thermoplastic | thermosetting plastic

See Also | cleave | cover | create | flat solid | flatten | lamination | layer | make | plastic laminate | plyboard | plywood | produce | rive | sheet | split

Laminate In Webster's Dictionary

\Lam"i*nate\, a. [See {Lamina}.] Consisting of, or covered with, lamin[ae], or thin plates, scales, or layers, one over another; laminated.
\Lam"i*nate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Laminated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Laminating}.] [See {Lamina}.] 1. To cause to separate into thin plates or layers; to divide into thin plates. 2. To form, as metal, into a thin plate, as by rolling.
\Lam"i*nate\, v. i. To separate into lamin[ae].

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