About The Word Jasmine

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Learn about the word Jasmine to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Jasmine definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Jasmine Meaning & Definition
Jasmine Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Jasmine?

[n] any of several shrubs and vines of the genus Jasminum chiefly native to Asia

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See Also | Arabian jasmine | bush | common jasmine | genus Jasminum | Jasminum | Jasminum mesnyi | Jasminum nudiflorum | Jasminum officinale | Jasminum sambac | jessamine | primrose jasmine | shrub | true jasmine | winter jasmine

Jasmine In Webster's Dictionary

\Jas"mine\, n. [F. jasmin, Sp. jazmin, Ar. y[=a]sm[=i]n, Pers. y[=a]sm[=i]n; cf. It. gesmino, gelsomino. Cf. {Jessamine}.] (Bot.) A shrubby plant of the genus {Jasminum}, bearing flowers of a peculiarly fragrant odor. The {J. officinale}, common in the south of Europe, bears white flowers. The Arabian jasmine is {J. Sambac}, and, with {J. angustifolia}, comes from the East Indies. The yellow false jasmine in the {Gelseminum sempervirens} (see {Gelsemium}). Several other plants are called jasmine in the West Indies, as species of {Calotropis} and {Faramea}. [Written also {jessamine}.] {Cape jasmine}, or {Cape jessamine}, the {Gardenia florida}, a shrub with fragrant white flowers, a native of China, and hardy in the Southern United States.

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