About The Word Immovable

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Learn about the word Immovable to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Immovable definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Immovable Meaning & Definition
Immovable Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Immovable?

[adj] not able or intended to be moved; "the immovable hills"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Immovable: immobile | immoveable | stabile | unmovable

Related Terms | Find terms related to Immovable: adamant | adamantine | affectless | anchored | anesthetized | arctic | at a standstill | autistic | blunt | cast-iron | catatonic | chill | chilly | cold | cold as charity | cold-blooded | coldhearted | constant | cool | determined | dispassionate | dogged | dour | drugged | dull | emotionally dead | emotionless | fast | firm | fixed | flinty | frigid | frosted | frosty | frozen | grim | hard | hard-core | heartless | icy | immobile | immotile | immotive | immutable | impassible | impassive | implacable | impliable | inalterable | inductile | inelastic | inexcitable | inexorable | inextensible | inextensile | inextensional | inflexible | insusceptible | intractable | intractile | intransigent | invariable | iron | irreconcilable | irremovable | irresilient | loyal | motionless | nonelastic | nonemotional | nonstretchable | obdurate | objective | obtuse | out of touch | passionless | pat | relentless | resolute | rigid | rigorous | riveted | rock-ribbed | rooted | self-absorbed | set | settled | sot | soulless | spiritless | stable | standpat | stationary | staunch | steadfast | steady | steely | stern | stiff | stony | stubborn | stuck | true | unaffected | unaffectionate | unalterable | unbending | unchangeable | uncompromising | undeflectable | unemotional | unextendible | unextensible | unfeeling | unflappable | unflexible | unflinching | ungiving | unimpassioned | unimpressionable | unlimber | unloving | unmalleable | unmodifiable | unmovable | unmoved | unmoving | unpassionate | unpliable | unpliant | unrelenting | unresponding | unresponsive | unshakable | unshakeable | unshaken | unsusceptible | unswerving | unsympathetic | untouchable | untractable | unwavering | unyielding

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Immovable In Webster's Dictionary

\Im*mov"a*ble\, a. 1. Incapable of being moved; firmly fixed; fast; -- used of material things; as, an immovable foundatin. Immovable, infixed, and frozen round. --Milton. 2. Steadfast; fixed; unalterable; unchangeable; -- used of the mind or will; as, an immovable purpose, or a man who remain immovable. 3. Not capable of being affected or moved in feeling or by sympathy; unimpressible; impassive. --Dryden. 4. (Law.) Not liable to be removed; permanent in place or tenure; fixed; as, an immovable estate. See {Immovable}, n. --Blackstone. {Immovable apparatus} (Med.), an appliance, like the plaster of paris bandage, which keeps fractured parts firmly in place. {Immovable feasts} (Eccl.), feasts which occur on a certain day of the year and do not depend on the date of Easter; as, Christmas, the Epiphany, etc.
\Im*mov"a*ble\, n. 1. That which can not be moved. 2. pl. (Civil Law) Lands and things adherent thereto by nature, as trees; by the hand of man, as buildings and their accessories; by their destination, as seeds, plants, manure, etc.; or by the objects to which they are applied, as servitudes. --Ayliffe. --Bouvier.

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Crossword Dictionary