About The Word Immolate

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Learn about the word Immolate to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Immolate definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Immolate Meaning & Definition
Immolate Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Immolate?

[v] offer as a sacrifice by killing or by giving up to destruction; "The Aztecs immolated human victims"; "immolate the valuables at the temple"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Immolate:

Related Terms | Find terms related to Immolate: annihilate | appease | bereave of life | carry away | carry off | chloroform | cut down | cut off | deprive of life | destroy | dispatch | dispose of | do away with | do for | do to death | end | execute | exterminate | finish | finish off | immolate before | kill | launch into eternity | liquidate | lynch | make away with | make propitiation | make sacrifice to | martyr | martyrize | offer sacrifice | poison | propitiate | purge | put away | put down | put to death | put to sleep | remove from life | sacrifice | slay | starve | take life | take off | victimize

See Also | sacrifice

Immolate In Webster's Dictionary

\Im"mo*late\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Immolated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Immolating}.] [L. immolatus, p. p. of immolare to sacrifice, orig., to sprinkle a victim with sacrifical meal; pref. im- in + mola grits or grains of spelt coarsely ground and mixed with salt; also, mill. See {Molar}, {Meal} ground grain.] To sacrifice; to offer in sacrifice; to kill, as a sacrificial victim. Worshipers, who not only immolate to them [the deities] the lives of men, but . . . the virtue and honor of women. --Boyle.

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