About The Word Hepatica

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Learn about the word Hepatica to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Hepatica definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Hepatica Meaning & Definition
Hepatica Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Hepatica?

[n] a common liverwort
[n] any of several plants of the genus Hepatica having 3-lobed leaves and white or pinkish flowers in early spring; of moist and mossy subalpine woodland areas of north temperate regions

Synonyms | Synonyms for Hepatica: liverleaf | Marchantia polymorpha

Related Terms | Find terms related to Hepatica:

See Also | genus Hepatica | genus Marchantia | herb | herbaceous plant | liverwort | Marchantia

Hepatica In Webster's Dictionary

\He*pat"i*ca\, n.; pl. {Hepatic[ae]}. [NL. See {Hepatic}. So called in allusion to the shape of the lobed leaves or fronds.] 1. (Bot.) A genus of pretty spring flowers closely related to Anemone; squirrel cup. 2. (bot.) Any plant, usually procumbent and mosslike, of the cryptogamous class Hepatic[ae]; -- called also {scale moss} and {liverwort}. See {Hepatic[ae]}, in the Supplement.

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