About The Word Hatred

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Learn about the word Hatred to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Hatred definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Hatred Meaning & Definition
Hatred Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Hatred?

[n] the emotion of hate; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action

Synonyms | Synonyms for Hatred: hate

Related Terms | Find terms related to Hatred: abhorrence | abomination | allergy | Anglophobia | animosity | antagonism | antipathy | anti-Semitism | aversion | belligerence | bigotry | clash | clashing | cold sweat | collision | conflict | contention | creeping flesh | despitefulness | detestation | disgust | dislike | enmity | execration | friction | hate | horror | hostility | loathing | malevolence | malice | malignity | misandry | misanthropy | misogyny | mortal horror | nausea | odium | quarrelsomeness | race hatred | racism | repugnance | repulsion | revulsion | Russophobia | shuddering | spite | spitefulness | vials of hate | vials of wrath | xenophobia

See Also | abhorrence | abomination | despisal | despising | detestation | emotion | enmity | execration | hostility | ill will | loathing | malevolence | malignity | misanthropy | misogamy | misogynism | misogyny | misology | misoneism | misopedia | murderousness | odium

Hatred In Webster's Dictionary

\Ha"tred\, n. [OE. hatred, hatreden. See {Hate}, and cf. {Kindred}.] Strong aversion; intense dislike; hate; an affection of the mind awakened by something regarded as evil. Syn: Odium; ill will; enmity; hate; animosity; malevolence; rancor; malignity; detestation; loathing; abhorrence; repugnance; antipathy. See {Odium}.

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