About The Word Harshness

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Harshness Meaning & Definition
Harshness Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Harshness?

[n] excessive sternness; "severity of character"; "the harshness of his punishment was inhuman"; "the rigors of boot camp"
[n] the quality of being cruel and causing tension or annoyance
[n] the roughness of a substance that causes abrasions
[n] harsh or rough to the ear

Synonyms | Synonyms for Harshness: abrasiveness | cruelness | cruelty | hardness | inclemency | rigor | rigour | scratchiness | severity | stiffness

Related Terms | Find terms related to Harshness: abominability | abruptness | acerbity | acidity | acidulousness | acridity | acrimony | acuteness | aggressiveness | animality | aphonia | artificial voice | asperity | astringency | atrocity | austerity | authoritarianism | Babel | bad taste | barbarism | barbarity | barbarousness | baseness | bearishness | beastliness | bite | bitingness | bitterness | bloodlust | bluntness | bombasticness | boorishness | brashness | broken speech | broken tones | broken voice | brusqueness | brusquerie | brutality | bumpiness | cacology | cacophony | causticity | childish treble | choked voice | choppiness | churlishness | clamor | clash | clumsiness | coarseness | contemptibility | contrariety | cracked voice | cragginess | croak | crow | crudeness | cruelty | crustiness | cumbrousness | curtness | cuttingness | demandingness | despicability | despicableness | destructiveness | discipline | discord | disgustingness | dryness | dysarthria | dyslalia | dyslogia | dysphasia | dysphemism | dysphonia | dysphrasia | edge | exactingness | extremity | falsetto | ferociousness | fierceness | flintiness | force | foulness | fulsomeness | furiousness | Gothicism | gracelessness | granulation | grimness | grip | grossness | gruffness | gutturalism | gutturality | gutturalness | hardness | hatefulness | hawking voice | heartlessness | heaviness | heinousness | hispidity | hiss | hoarseness | huskiness | idioglossia | idiolalia | ignobility | ill-balanced sentences | impairment of speech | impetuosity | impropriety | impurity | inclemency | inconcinnity | incorrectness | indecorousness | inelegance | inelegancy | inequality | inexorableness | infelicity | inhumanity | intensity | irregularity | jaggedness | jangle | jar | joltiness | keenness | lack of finish | lack of polish | leadenness | lisp | lisping | loathsomeness | loss of voice | malignity | mercilessness | mere noise | meticulousness | mindlessness | mordacity | mordancy | murderousness | muzzy speech | nasal tone | nasalization | nastiness | nauseousness | noise | noisomeness | nonuniformity | noxiousness | objectionability | objectionableness | obnoxiousness | obscenity | odiousness | offensiveness | piquancy | pitilessness | poignancy | point | pompousness | ponderousness | poor diction | pungency | putridity | putridness | quaver | raggedness | raspiness | raucity | rebarbativeness | regimentation | relentlessness | remorselessness | repellence | repellency | repugnance | repulsiveness | rigid discipline | rigor | rottenness | rough air | roughness | rudeness | ruggedness | rugosity | ruthlessness | savagery | scraggliness | scrapiness | scratchiness | sesquipedalianism | sesquipedality | severity | shake | sharpness | short shrift | shortness | sibilation | slipshod construction | sourness | Spartanism | speech defect | speech impediment | sternness | stertorousness | stiltedness | sting | strictness | stridency | stringency | surliness | tartness | tastelessness | teeth | tender mercies | terrorism | thickness | throatiness | tooth | toughness | tremor | trenchancy | truculence | turbulence | turgidity | twang | ugliness | uncompassionateness | uncouthness | uneuphoniousness | unevenness | unfeelingness | unforgivingness | ungentleness | ungracefulness | unmercifulness | unrefinement | unremorsefulness | unseemliness | unsmoothness | unspeakableness | unsympatheticness | ununiformity | unwieldiness | unyieldingness | vandalism | vehemence | venom | viciousness | vileness | violence | virulence | vulgarism | vulgarity

See Also | bloodthirstiness | brutality | ferociousness | gruffness | hoarseness | huskiness | malevolence | malevolency | malice | murderousness | quality | roughness | savageness | savagery | sternness | strictness | timber | timbre | tone | viciousness

Harshness In Webster's Dictionary

\Harsh"ness\, n. The quality or state of being harsh. O, she is Ten times more gentle than her father 's crabbed, And he's composed of harshness. --Shak. 'Tis not enough no harshness gives offense, The sound must seem an echo to the sense. --Pope. Syn: Acrimony; roughness; sternness; asperity; tartness. See {Acrimony}.

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