About The Word Gyroscope

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Learn about the word Gyroscope to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Gyroscope definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Gyroscope Meaning & Definition
Gyroscope Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Gyroscope?

[n] rotating mechanism in the form of a universally mounted spinning wheel that offers resistance to turns in any direction

Synonyms | Synonyms for Gyroscope: gyro

Related Terms | Find terms related to Gyroscope: balance | balance rudder | balance wheel | ballast | centrifuge | chuck | counterbalance | counterweight | drill | extractor | fan | fin | fixative | flywheel | governor | hairspring | impeller | jack | keel | mordant | pendulum | propeller | reel | roller | rolling pin | rotary drill | rotor | screw | shock absorber | spindle | spinner | spit | spool | springs | stabilizator | stiffening | tail plane | teetotum | top | treadmill | turbine | turntable | whorl | windmill

See Also | gyrocompass | gyrostabiliser | gyrostabilizer | rotating mechanism

Gyroscope In Webster's Dictionary

\Gy"ro*scope\, n. [Gr. ? ring, circle + -scope.] 1. A rotating wheel, mounted in a ring or rings, for illustrating the dynamics of rotating bodies, the composition of rotations, etc. It was devised by Professor W. R. Johnson, in 1832, by whom it was called the {rotascope}. 2. A form of the above apparatus, invented by M. Foucault, mounted so delicately as to render visible the rotation of the earth, through the tendency of the rotating wheel to preserve a constant plane of rotation, independently of the earth's motion.

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