About The Word Grubby

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Learn about the word Grubby to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Grubby definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Grubby Meaning & Definition
Grubby Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Grubby?

[n] small sculpin of the coast of New England
[adj] thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot; "a miner's begrimed face"; "dingy linen"; "grimy hands"; "grubby little fingers"; "a grungy kitchen"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Grubby: begrimed | dingy | dirty | grimy | grungy | Myxocephalus aenaeus | raunchy | soiled | unclean

Related Terms | Find terms related to Grubby: beat-up | bedraggled | beset | black | blowzy | careless | chintzy | dilapidated | dingy | dirty | drabbletailed | draggled | draggletailed | dusty | filthy | foul | frowzy | frumpish | frumpy | grimy | grungy | impure | in rags | infested | informal | loose | lousy | lumpen | messy | miry | muddy | mussy | nasty | negligent | pedicular | pediculous | plagued | poky | ragged | raggedy | ratty | ravaged | ruinous | scraggly | scruffy | seedy | shabby | shoddy | slack | slatternly | slipshod | sloppy | slovenly | sluttish | smirchy | smoky | smudgy | smutchy | smutty | snuffy | soily | sooty | sordid | squalid | tacky | tattered | teeming | unclean | uncleanly | unkempt | unneat | unsightly | untidy | wormy

See Also | genus Myxocephalus | Myxocephalus | sculpin

Grubby In Webster's Dictionary

\Grub"by\, a. [From {Grub}.] Dirty; unclean. [Colloq.] The grubby game of marbles. --Lond. Sat. Rev.
\Grub"by\, n. (Zo["o]l.) Any species of {Cottus}; a sculpin. [Local, U. S.]

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