About The Word Goody

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Goody to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Goody definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Goody Meaning & Definition
Goody Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Goody?

[n] something considered choice to eat

Synonyms | Synonyms for Goody: dainty | delicacy | kickshaw | treat

Related Terms | Find terms related to Goody: affected | ambrosia | better half | bonne bouche | canting | cate | choice morsel | common-law wife | concubine | dainty | delicacy | dessert | false | feme | feme covert | goodwife | goody-goody | helpmate | helpmeet | holier-than-thou | hypocritical | insincere | kickshaw | lady | manna | married woman | matron | mealymouthed | morsel | nectar | old lady | old woman | pharisaic | pietistic | pious | rib | sanctified | sanctimonious | savory | self-righteous | sniveling | squaw | Tartuffian | Tartuffish | tidbit | titbit | treat | unctuous | wedded wife | wife | woman

See Also | aliment | alimentation | ambrosia | bone marrow | choice morsel | confection | confectionery | gelatin | jelly | marrow | nectar | nourishment | nutriment | nutrition | savory | savoury | sustenance | sweet | tidbit | titbit | victuals

Goody In Webster's Dictionary

\Good"y\, n.; pl. {Goodies}. 1. A bonbon, cake, or the like; -- usually in the pl. [Colloq.] 2. (Zo["o]l.) An American fish; the lafayette or spot.
\Good"y\, n.; pl. {Goodies}. [Prob. contr. from goodwife.] Goodwife; -- a low term of civility or sport.
\Good"y\, a. Weakly or sentimentally good; affectedly good; -- often in the reduplicated form goody-goody. [Colloq.]

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