About The Word Genial

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Learn about the word Genial to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Genial definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Genial Meaning & Definition
Genial Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Genial?

[adj] conducive to comfort; beneficial; "the genial sunshine"; "a kind climate"; "hot summer pavements are anything but kind to the feet"
[adj] diffusing warmth and friendliness; "an affable smile"; "an amiable gathering"; "cordial relations"; "a cordial greeting"; "a genial host"
[adj] of or relating to the chin or median part of the lower jaw

Synonyms | Synonyms for Genial: affable | amiable | benign | benignant | cordial | friendly | kind | mental

Related Terms | Find terms related to Genial: abiogenetic | aestival | affable | agreeable | amiable | amicable | ardent | beaming | biogenetic | blastogenetic | blissful | blithe | blithesome | blood-hot | blood-warm | bonhomous | bright | bright and sunny | calid | cheerful | cheery | civil | clubbable | clubbish | clubby | communicative | companionable | companionate | compatible | complaisant | congenial | convivial | cordial | courteous | desirable | dulcet | easy | easygoing | easy-natured | elated | en rapport | enjoyable | epigenetic | equatorial | eumerogenetic | eupeptic | euphoric | exalted | exhilarated | fair | fair and pleasant | felicific | felicitous | fine | fit for society | flushed | fond of society | friendly | gametic | generative | generous | genetic | genital | genitive | gentle | glad | gladsome | glowing | good | good-humored | goodly | good-natured | good-tempered | gracious | grateful | gratifying | gregarious | happy | harmonious | heart-warming | hearty | heterogenetic | high | histogenetic | homogenetic | honeyed | hopeful | hospitable | in good spirits | in high spirits | irrepressible | isogenetic | jocund | jolly | jovial | kind | kindly | laughing | liberal | likable | luke | lukewarm | mellifluous | mellow | merogenetic | merry | metagenetic | mild | monogenetic | neighborly | nice | of good cheer | open | openhearted | optimistic | orthogenetic | pangenetic | parthenogenetic | phytogenetic | pleasant | pleasing | pleasurable | pleasureful | pleasure-giving | radiant | receptive | relaxed | rewarding | riant | room-temperature | rosy | sanguine | sanguineous | satisfying | smiling | sociable | social | social-minded | sparkling | sporogenous | subtropical | summery | sunny | sunshiny | sweet | sweet-tempered | temperate | tepid | thermal | thermic | toasty | tropical | unfrozen | urbane | warm | warm as toast | warmhearted | warmish | welcome | welcoming | well-disposed | well-natured | winsome | xenogenetic

See Also |

Genial In Webster's Dictionary

\Ge*ni"al\, a. (Anat.) Same as {Genian}.
\Gen"ial\, a. [L. genialis: cf. OF. genial. See {Genius}.] 1. Contributing to, or concerned in, propagation or production; generative; procreative; productive. ``The genial bed.'' --Milton. Creator Venus, genial power of love. --Dryden. 2. Contributing to, and sympathizing with, the enjoyment of life; sympathetically cheerful and cheering; jovial and inspiring joy or happiness; exciting pleasure and sympathy; enlivening; kindly; as, she was of a cheerful and genial disposition. So much I feel my genial spirits droop. --Milton. 3. Belonging to one's genius or natural character; native; natural; inborn. [Obs.] Natural incapacity and genial indisposition. --Sir T. Browne. 4. Denoting or marked with genius; belonging to the higher nature. [R.] Men of genius have often attached the highest value to their less genial works. --Hare. {Genial gods} (Pagan Mythol.), the powers supposed to preside over marriage and generation.

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