About The Word Fusee

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Fusee to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Fusee definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Fusee Meaning & Definition
Fusee Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Fusee?

[n] any igniter by which an explosive charge is ignited
[n] a friction match with a large head that will stay alight in the wind

Synonyms | Synonyms for Fusee: fuse | fuze | fuzee | primer | priming

Related Terms | Find terms related to Fusee:

See Also | detonating fuse | friction match | igniter | ignitor | light | lighter | lucifer | match | safety fuse | time-fuse

Fusee In Webster's Dictionary

\Fu*see"\, n. [See 2d {Fusil}, and cf. {Fuse}, n.] 1. A flintlock gun. See 2d {Fusil}. [Obs.] 2. A fuse. See {Fuse}, n. 3. A kind of match for lighting a pipe or cigar.
\Fu*see"\, n. [Etymol. uncertain.] The track of a buck. --Ainsworth.
\Fu*see"\, n. [F. fus['e]e a spindleful, fusee, LL. fusata, fr. fusare to use a spindle, L. fusus spindle.] (a) The cone or conical wheel of a watch or clock, designed to equalize the power of the mainspring by having the chain from the barrel which contains the spring wind in a spiral groove on the surface of the cone in such a manner that the diameter of the cone at the point where the chain acts may correspond with the degree of tension of the spring. (b) A similar wheel used in other machinery.
\Fu*see"\, n. 1. (Railroads) A signal used principally for the protection of trains, consisting of a tube filled with a composition which burns with a bright colored light for a definite time. 2. (a) A friction match for smokers' use having a bulbous head which when ignited is not easily blown out even in a gale of wind. (b) A kind of match made of paper impregnated with niter and having the usual igniting tip.

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