About The Word Fidelity

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Learn about the word Fidelity to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Fidelity definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Fidelity Meaning & Definition
Fidelity Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Fidelity?

[n] accuracy with which an electronic system reproduces the sound or image of its input signal
[n] the quality of being faithful

Synonyms | Synonyms for Fidelity: faithfulness

Related Terms | Find terms related to Fidelity: abandon | absoluteness | accuracy | adherence | adhesion | allegiance | application | ardency | ardor | assiduity | assiduousness | attachment | attention to fact | bona fides | bond | bonne foi | bulldog tenacity | care for truth | commitment | committedness | concentration | constancy | correctness | dedication | delicacy | dependability | devotedness | devotion | devoutness | diligence | dogged perseverance | doggedness | earnestness | endurance | engrossment | exactitude | exactness | faith | faithfulness | faultlessness | fealty | fervency | fervidness | fervor | fineness | fire | firmness | flawlessness | good faith | heartiness | heat | heatedness | homage | impassionedness | indefatigability | industriousness | industry | insistence | insistency | intensity | intentness | literalism | literality | literalness | loyalty | mathematical precision | meticulousness | niceness | nicety | obstinacy | passion | passionateness | patience | patience of Job | perfection | permanence | perseverance | persistence | persistency | pertinaciousness | pertinacity | piety | plodding | plugging | preciseness | precision | preoccupation | refinement | relentlessness | reliability | resolution | right | rightness | rigidity | rigor | rigorousness | sedulity | sedulousness | seriousness | severity | sincerity | single-mindedness | singleness of purpose | slogging | spirit | stability | stamina | staunchness | staying power | steadfastness | steadiness | stick-to-itiveness | strictness | stubbornness | subtlety | tenaciousness | tenacity | textualism | the letter | tie | tirelessness | troth | true blue | trueness | trustworthiness | unremittingness | unswerving attention | vehemence | warmth | zeal

See Also | accuracy | constancy | dedication | loyalty | quality | truth

Fidelity In Webster's Dictionary

\Fi*del"i*ty\, n. [L. fidelitas: cf. F. fid['e]lit['e]. See {Fealty}.] Faithfulness; adherence to right; careful and exact observance of duty, or discharge of obligations. Especially: (a) Adherence to a person or party to which one is bound; loyalty. Whose courageous fidelity was proof to all danger. --Macaulay. The best security for the fidelity of men is to make interest coincide with duty. --A. Hamilton. (b) Adherence to the marriage contract. (c) Adherence to truth; veracity; honesty. The principal thing required in a witness is fidelity. --Hooker. Syn: Faithfulness; honesty; integrity; faith; loyalty; fealty.

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