What's The Definition Of Exponent?
[n] a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself
[n] someone who expounds and interprets or explains
[n] a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea
Synonyms | Synonyms for Exponent: advocate |
advocator |
index |
power |
Related Terms | Find terms related to Exponent: abettor |
admirer |
advocate |
aficionado |
allegorist |
alter ego |
alternate |
amicus curiae |
angel |
annotator |
apologist |
attorney |
backer |
backup |
backup man |
booster |
buff |
case |
case in point |
champion |
cicerone |
clarifier |
commentator |
critic |
cross section |
cryptanalyst |
cryptographer |
cryptologist |
decoder |
defender |
definer |
demonstration |
demonstrator |
demythologizer |
dependence |
deputy |
diaskeuast |
dragoman |
dummy |
editor |
emblem |
embodiment |
emendator |
emender |
encourager |
endorser |
euhemerist |
example |
executive officer |
exegesist |
exegete |
exegetist |
exemplar |
exemplification |
explainer |
explanation |
explicator |
expositor |
expounder |
fan |
favorer |
figurehead |
friend at court |
go-between |
guide |
hermeneut |
illustration |
instance |
interpreter |
lexicographer |
lieutenant |
locum |
locum tenens |
lover |
Maecenas |
mainstay |
maintainer |
metaphrast |
object lesson |
oneirocritic |
paranymph |
paraphrast |
partisan |
patron |
pinch hitter |
pleader |
procurator |
promoter |
proponent |
protagonist |
proxy |
relevant instance |
reliance |
representation |
representative |
scholiast |
second |
second in command |
secondary |
seconder |
sectary |
sider |
specimen |
sponsor |
stalwart |
standby |
stand-in |
substitute |
support |
supporter |
surrogate |
sustainer |
symbol |
sympathizer |
textual critic |
translator |
type |
typical example |
typification |
understudy |
upholder |
utility man |
vicar |
vicar general |
vice |
vicegerent |
votary |
See Also | admirer |
apologist |
booster |
champion |
constitutionalist |
Darwinian |
degree |
democrat |
federalist |
friend |
gnostic |
human |
humanist |
ideologist |
ideologue |
individual |
intellect |
intellectual |
internationalist |
interpreter |
irredentist |
irridentist |
isolationist |
Jansenist |
justifier |
log |
logarithm |
Maoist |
Marxist |
mathematical notation |
mortal |
nationalist |
neoclassicist |
neutralist |
nullifier |
partisan |
partitionist |
person |
Platonist |
populist |
presenter |
pro-lifer |
protagonist |
protectionist |
representative |
republican |
ritualist |
ruralist |
secessionist |
secularist |
separatist |
somebody |
someone |
soul |
spokesperson |
sponsor |
suffragist |
supporter |
supremacist |
teleologist |
Thatcherite |
unilateralist |
vindicator |
voice |
Exponent In Webster's Dictionary
\Ex*po"nent\, n. [L. exponens, -entis, p. pr. of
exponere to put out, set forth, expose. See {Expound}.]
1. (Alg.) A number, letter, or any quantity written on the
right hand of and above another quantity, and denoting how
many times the latter is repeated as a factor to produce
the power indicated;
Note: thus a^{2} denotes the second power, and a^{n} the xth
power, of a (2 and x being the exponents). A fractional
exponent, or index, is used to denote the root of a
quantity. Thus, a^{1/3} denotes the third or cube root
of a.
2. One who, or that which, stands as an index or
representative; as, the leader of a party is the exponent
of its principles.
{Exponent of a ratio}, the quotient arising when the
antecedent is divided by the consequent; thus, 6 is the
exponent of the ratio of 30 to 5. [R.]