About The Word Exponent

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Exponent Meaning & Definition
Exponent Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Exponent?

[n] a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself
[n] someone who expounds and interprets or explains
[n] a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea

Synonyms | Synonyms for Exponent: advocate | advocator | index | power | proponent

Related Terms | Find terms related to Exponent: abettor | admirer | advocate | aficionado | allegorist | alter ego | alternate | amicus curiae | angel | annotator | apologist | attorney | backer | backup | backup man | booster | buff | case | case in point | champion | cicerone | clarifier | commentator | critic | cross section | cryptanalyst | cryptographer | cryptologist | decoder | defender | definer | demonstration | demonstrator | demythologizer | dependence | deputy | diaskeuast | dragoman | dummy | editor | emblem | embodiment | emendator | emender | encourager | endorser | euhemerist | example | executive officer | exegesist | exegete | exegetist | exemplar | exemplification | explainer | explanation | explicator | expositor | expounder | fan | favorer | figurehead | friend at court | go-between | guide | hermeneut | illustration | instance | interpreter | lexicographer | lieutenant | locum | locum tenens | lover | Maecenas | mainstay | maintainer | metaphrast | object lesson | oneirocritic | paranymph | paraphrast | partisan | patron | pinch hitter | pleader | procurator | promoter | proponent | protagonist | proxy | relevant instance | reliance | representation | representative | scholiast | second | second in command | secondary | seconder | sectary | sider | specimen | sponsor | stalwart | standby | stand-in | substitute | support | supporter | surrogate | sustainer | symbol | sympathizer | textual critic | translator | type | typical example | typification | understudy | upholder | utility man | vicar | vicar general | vice | vicegerent | votary | well-wisher

See Also | admirer | apologist | booster | champion | constitutionalist | Darwinian | degree | democrat | federalist | friend | gnostic | human | humanist | ideologist | ideologue | individual | intellect | intellectual | internationalist | interpreter | irredentist | irridentist | isolationist | Jansenist | justifier | log | logarithm | Maoist | Marxist | mathematical notation | mortal | nationalist | neoclassicist | neutralist | nullifier | partisan | partitionist | person | Platonist | populist | presenter | pro-lifer | protagonist | protectionist | representative | republican | ritualist | ruralist | secessionist | secularist | separatist | somebody | someone | soul | spokesperson | sponsor | suffragist | supporter | supremacist | teleologist | Thatcherite | unilateralist | vindicator | voice | zealot

Exponent In Webster's Dictionary

\Ex*po"nent\, n. [L. exponens, -entis, p. pr. of exponere to put out, set forth, expose. See {Expound}.] 1. (Alg.) A number, letter, or any quantity written on the right hand of and above another quantity, and denoting how many times the latter is repeated as a factor to produce the power indicated; Note: thus a^{2} denotes the second power, and a^{n} the xth power, of a (2 and x being the exponents). A fractional exponent, or index, is used to denote the root of a quantity. Thus, a^{1/3} denotes the third or cube root of a. 2. One who, or that which, stands as an index or representative; as, the leader of a party is the exponent of its principles. {Exponent of a ratio}, the quotient arising when the antecedent is divided by the consequent; thus, 6 is the exponent of the ratio of 30 to 5. [R.]

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Crossword Dictionary