About The Word Eternity

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Learn about the word Eternity to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Eternity definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Eternity Meaning & Definition
Eternity Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Eternity?

[n] a state of eternal existence believed in some religions to characterize the afterlife
[n] time without end
[n] a seemingly endless time interval (waiting)

Synonyms | Synonyms for Eternity: forever | infinity | timeless existence | timelessness

Related Terms | Find terms related to Eternity: a better place | aeon | afterlife | age | ages | all-comprehensiveness | all-inclusiveness | an eternity | better world | Beulah | Beulah Land | blue moon | boundlessness | ceaselessness | century | coeternity | constancy | continualness | continuance | countlessness | datelessness | durability | endless time | endlessness | eternal home | eternalness | ever-duringness | everlasting moment | everlastingness | everness | exhaustlessness | forever | foreverness | glory | happy hunting ground | Heaven | heaven above | heavenly kingdom | high heaven | holiness | illimitability | immeasurability | immensity | immortality | immutability | incalculability | incessancy | incomprehensibility | indestructibility | inexhaustibility | infinite duration | infinite goodness | infinite justice | infinite love | infinite mercy | infinite power | infinite wisdom | infiniteness | infinitude | infinity | innumerability | interminability | kingdom come | kingdom of glory | kingdom of God | kingdom of heaven | Land of Beulah | light | limitlessness | long | long time | long while | majesty | measurelessness | month of Sundays | never-endingness | neverness | no time | numberlessness | omnipotence | omnipotency | omnipresence | omniscience | omnisciency | otherworld | Paradise | perdurability | perenniality | perennialness | permanence | perpetualness | perpetuity | presence of God | realm of light | right smart spell | sempiternity | sovereignty | stability | termlessness | the happy land | the Promised Land | the world above | time without end | timelessness | ubiquity | unceasingness | unity | universality | unmeasurability | world without end | years | years on end

See Also | alpha and omega | being | beingness | existence | interval | time | time interval

Eternity In Webster's Dictionary

\E*ter"ni*ty\, n.; pl. {Eternities}. [F. ['e]ternit['e], L. aeternitas, fr. aeternus. See {Etern}.] 1. Infinite duration, without beginning in the past or end in the future; also, duration without end in the future; endless time. The high and lofty One, that inhabiteth eternity. --Is. lvii. 15. 2. Condition which begins at death; immortality. Thou know'st 't is common; all that lives must die, Passing through nature to eternity. --Shak.

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Crossword Dictionary