About The Word Encephalitis

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Encephalitis Meaning & Definition
Encephalitis Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Encephalitis?

[n] inflammation of the brain usually caused by a virus; symptoms include headache and neck pain and drowsiness and nausea and fever (`phrenitis' is no longer in scientific use)

Synonyms | Synonyms for Encephalitis: cephalitis | phrenitis

Related Terms | Find terms related to Encephalitis: adenoiditis | adrenitis | appendicitis | arteritis | arthritis deformans | arthritis fungosa | arthritis pauperum | atrophic arthritis | atrophic inflammation | blennorrhagic arthritis | brain fever | bronchitis | bunion | bursitis | capillaritis | carditis | catarrh | catarrhal inflammation | cerebellitis | cerebral meningitis | cerebritis | cerebrospinal meningitis | chronic infectious arthritis | chronic inflammation | cirrhotic inflammation | climactic arthritis | clitoritis | colitis | collagen disease | conjunctivitis | cystitis | degenerative arthritis | diffuse inflammation | endocarditis | enteritis | equine encephalomyelitis | exudative inflammation | fibroid inflammation | focal inflammation | gastritis | gingivitis | glossitis | gonococcal arthritis | gonorrheal arthritis | gonorrheal rheumatism | gout | gouty arthritis | hemophilic arthritis | hepatitis | hyperplastic inflammation | hypertrophic arthritis | hypertrophic inflammation | infectional arthritis | infectious hepatitis | inflammation | irritable bowel syndrome | laryngitis | lumbago | lumbar rheumatism | mastoiditis | meningitis | menopausal arthritis | metastatic inflammation | metritis | milk leg | mucous colitis | mumps meningitis | myelitis | necrotic inflammation | nephritis | neuritis | obliterative inflammation | ophthalitis | ophthalmia | orchitis | osseous rheumatism | osteitis | osteoarthritis | osteomyelitis | otitis | ovaritis | paradental pyorrhea | penitis | pericarditis | periodontitis | peritonitis | pharyngitis | phlebitis | podagra | proliferative arthritis | prostatitis | pyonephritis | pyorrhea | pyorrhea alveolaris | reactive inflammation | rheumatism | rheumatiz | rheumatoid arthritis | rhinitis | sclerosing inflammation | seroplastic inflammation | serous inflammation | serum hepatitis | simple inflammation | sinusitis | spastic colon | specific inflammation | subacute rheumatism | suppurative arthritis | suppurative inflammation | syphilitic arthritis | tennis elbow | testitis | thrombophlebitis | tonsilitis | torticollis | toxic inflammation | traumatic inflammation | tuberculous arthritis | tuberculous rheumatism | ulcerative colitis | uratic arthritis | ureteritis | urethral arthritis | urethritis | uteritis | vaginitis | vertebral arthritis | visceral rheumatism | vulvitis | wryneck

See Also | acute hemorrhagic encephalitis | acute inclusion body encephalitis | encephalitis lethargica | epidemic encephalitis | equine encephalitis | equine encephalomyelitis | herpes encephalitis | herpes simplex encephalitis | inflammation | lethargic encephalitis | leukoencephalitis | panencephalitis | redness | rubor | sleeping sickness | sleepy sickness

Encephalitis In Webster's Dictionary

\En*ceph`a*li"tis\, n. [NL., from Gr. ? the brain + -itis.] (Med.) Inflammation of the brain. -- {En`ceph*a*lit"ic}, a.

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