About The Word Dove

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Learn about the word Dove to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Dove definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Dove Meaning & Definition
Dove Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Dove?

[n] any of numerous small pigeons
[n] an emblem of peace
[n] flesh of a pigeon suitable for roasting or braising; flesh of a dove (young squab) may be broiled
[n] a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Puppis and Caelum
[n] someone who prefers negotiations to armed conflict in the conduct of foreign relations

Synonyms | Synonyms for Dove: Columba | peacenik | squab

Related Terms | Find terms related to Dove: angel | avifauna | babe | baby bird | bird | bird of Jove | bird of Juno | bird of Minerva | bird of night | bird of passage | bird of prey | birdie | birdlife | birdy | cage bird | chick | child | child of nature | conchie | conscientious objector | cygnet | diving bird | dupe | eagle | eaglet | fish-eating bird | fledgling | flightless bird | fowl | fruit-eating bird | fulmar | game bird | hick | infant | ingenue | innocent | insect-eating bird | lamb | lout | mere child | migrant | migratory bird | nestling | newborn babe | noble savage | oaf | oscine bird | owl | pacificator | pacificist | pacifist | passerine bird | peace lover | peacemaker | peacemonger | peacenik | peacock | peafowl | peahen | perching bird | pigeon | ratite | rube | sea bird | seed-eating bird | shore bird | simple soul | songbird | squab | storm petrel | stormy petrel | swan | unsophisticate | wading bird | warbler | water bird | waterfowl | wildfowl | yokel

See Also | allegory | Australian turtledove | constellation | disarmer | domestic pigeon | emblem | mourning dove | pacificist | pacifist | pigeon | poultry | Stictopelia cuneata | turtledove | Zenaidura macroura

Dove In Webster's Dictionary

\Dove\, n. [OE. dove, duve, douve, AS. d?fe; akin to OS. d?ba, D. duif, OHG. t?ba, G. taube, Icel. d?fa, Sw. dufva, Dan. due, Goth. d?b?; perh. from the root of E. dive.] 1. (Zo["o]l.) A pigeon of the genus {Columba} and various related genera. The species are numerous. Note: The domestic dove, including the varieties called {fantails}, {tumblers}, {carrier pigeons}, etc., was derived from the {rock pigeon} ({Columba livia}) of Europe and Asia; the {turtledove} of Europe, celebrated for its sweet, plaintive note, is {C. turtur} or {Turtur vulgaris}; the {ringdove}, the largest of European species, is {C. palumbus}; the {Carolina dove}, or {Mourning dove}, is {Zenaidura macroura}; the {sea dove} is the little auk ({Mergulus alle} or {Alle alle}). See {Turtledove}, {Ground dove}, and {Rock pigeon}. The dove is a symbol of innocence, gentleness, and affection; also, in art and in the Scriptures, the typical symbol of the Holy Ghost. 2. A word of endearment for one regarded as pure and gentle. O my dove, . . . let me hear thy voice. --Cant. ii. 14. {Dove tick} (Zo["o]l.), a mite ({Argas reflexus}) which infests doves and other birds. {Soiled dove}, a prostitute. [Slang]

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