About The Word Distrust

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Learn about the word Distrust to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Distrust definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Distrust Meaning & Definition
Distrust Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Distrust?

[n] the trait of not trusting others
[n] doubt about someone's honesty
[v] regard as untrustworthy; regard with suspicion; have no faith or confidence in

Synonyms | Synonyms for Distrust: distrustfulness | misgiving | mistrust | mistrust | mistrust | suspect | suspicion

Related Terms | Find terms related to Distrust: apprehension | awake a doubt | be diffident | be doubtful | be dubious | be possessive | be skeptical | be uncertain | cageyness | call in question | caution | challenge | chariness | contest | diffidence | disbelief | disbelieve | discredit | dispute | distrustfulness | doubt | doubtfulness | dubiety | dubiousness | greet with skepticism | half believe | half-belief | harbor suspicions | have reservations | hesitancy | hesitation | incredulity | leeriness | misdoubt | misgive | misgiving | mistrust | mistrustfulness | Pyrrhonism | qualm | query | question | raise a question | scepticism | scruple | scrupulousness | self-doubt | shadow of doubt | skepticalness | skepticism | smell a rat | suspect | suspicion | suspiciousness | throw doubt upon | total skepticism | treat with reserve | unbelieve | uncertainty | wariness

See Also | disbelieve | discredit | doubt | doubt | doubtfulness | dubiety | dubiousness | incertitude | suspicion | suspiciousness | trait | uncertainty

Distrust In Webster's Dictionary

\Dis*trust"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Distrusted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Distrusting}.] [Cf. {Mistrust}.] To feel absence of trust in; not to confide in or rely upon; to deem of questionable sufficiency or reality; to doubt; to be suspicious of; to mistrust. Not distrusting my health. --2 Mac. ix. 22. To distrust the justice of your cause. --Dryden. He that requireth the oath doth distrust that other. --Udall. Of all afraid, Distrusting all, a wise, suspicious maid. --Collins. Note: Mistrust has been almost wholly driven out by distrust. --T. L. K. Oliphant.
\Dis*trust"\, n. 1. Doubt of sufficiency, reality, or sincerity; want of confidence, faith, or reliance; as, distrust of one's power, authority, will, purposes, schemes, etc. 2. Suspicion of evil designs. Alienation and distrust . . . are the growth of false principles. --D. Webster. 3. State of being suspected; loss of trust. --Milton.

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