About The Word Distension

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Learn about the word Distension to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Distension definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Distension Meaning & Definition
Distension Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Distension?

[n] the act of expanding by pressure from within
[n] the state of being stretched beyond normal dimensions

Synonyms | Synonyms for Distension: dilatation | distention

Related Terms | Find terms related to Distension: bloat | bloatedness | bloating | blowing up | boil | breaking point | bump | bunion | carbuncle | corn | cyst | diastole | dilatation | dilation | dropsy | edema | extension | extreme tension | flatulence | flatulency | flatus | furuncle | gassiness | inflation | intumescence | lump | meteorism | overdistension | overdrawing | overexpansion | overextension | overstrain | overstraining | overstretching | pimple | pock | puff | puffiness | puffing | pustule | rising | sebaceous cyst | snapping point | strain | straining | stretch | stretching | swell | swellage | swelling | swollenness | tension | tumefaction | tumescence | tumidity | tumidness | tumor | turgescence | turgescency | turgidity | turgidness | tympanism | tympany | wen | windiness

See Also | ectasia | ectasis | enlargement | expansion | physiological condition | physiological state | varicocele

Distension In Webster's Dictionary

\Dis*ten"sion\, n. Same as {Distention}.

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