About The Word Disapproval

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Disapproval to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Disapproval definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Disapproval Meaning & Definition
Disapproval Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Disapproval?

[n] the act of disapproving or condemning
[n] an inclination to withhold approval from some person or group
[n] the expression of disapproval
[n] a feeling of disliking something or what someone is doing

Synonyms | Synonyms for Disapproval: disfavor | disfavour | dislike

Related Terms | Find terms related to Disapproval: abjuration | abjurement | aggravation | agreement to disagree | alienation | annoyance | apostasy | belittling | censure | chucking | chucking out | comedown | condemnation | contempt | contradiction | counter-culture | criticism | declination | declining | decrial | denial | depreciation | derogation | despisal | despising | detraction | difference | disaccord | disaffection | disaffinity | disagreement | disapprobation | discard | disclamation | discontent | discounting | discrediting | disfavor | disgrace | disinclination | dislike | dismissal | disownment | disparagement | disparity | displeasure | disregard | disrelish | dissatisfaction | dissension | dissent | dissentience | dissidence | distaste | diversity | dropping out | exasperation | exception | exclusion | faint praise | ignoring | indignity | irritation | knocking | lukewarm support | minimizing | minority opinion | nonacceptance | nonagreement | nonapproval | nonassent | nonconcurrence | nonconformity | nonconsent | nonconsideration | objection | opposition | passing by | putting away | putting down | putting out | rebuff | recantation | recusance | recusancy | refusal | rejection | renouncement | reproach | reproof | repudiation | repulse | resentfulness | resentment | scouting | secession | slighting | sour grapes | spurning | throwing out | turning out | underground | variance | vexation | withdrawal

See Also | assessment | branding | condemnation | condemnation | content | criticism | disapprobation | discouragement | dislike | disparagement | disposition | dispraise | doghouse | inclination | judgement | judgment | message | reprobation | stigmatisation | stigmatization | subject matter | substance | tendency | unfavorable judgment

Disapproval In Webster's Dictionary

\Dis`ap*prov"al\, n. Disapprobation; dislike; censure; adverse judgment.

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