About The Word Destiny

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Learn about the word Destiny to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Destiny definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Destiny Meaning & Definition
Destiny Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Destiny?

[n] an event (or course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future
[n] the ultimate agency that predetermines the course of events (often personified as a woman); "we are helpless in the face of Destiny"
[n] your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you); "whatever my fortune may be"; "deserved a better fate"; "has a happy lot"; "the luck of the Irish"; "a victim of circumstances"; "success that was her portion"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Destiny: circumstances | fate | Fate | fate | fortune | lot | luck | portion

Related Terms | Find terms related to Destiny: a better place | accidentality | actuarial calculation | adventitiousness | afterlife | afterworld | allotment | allowance | apodosis | appointed lot | astral influences | astrology | big end | bigger half | bit | bite | book of fate | break | budget | casualness | catastrophe | ceasing | cessation | chance | chunk | circumstance | coda | commission | conclusion | constellation | consummation | contingent | crack of doom | culmination | cup | curtain | curtains | cut | deal | death | decease | denouement | design | destination | dies funestis | dividend | dole | doom | effect | end | end point | ending | envoi | epilogue | equal share | eschatology | eternal home | expiration | fatality | fate | final solution | final twitch | final words | finale | finality | finis | finish | flukiness | foredoom | fortuitousness | fortuity | fortune | Friday | Friday the thirteenth | future | future state | gamble | goal | good fortune | good luck | half | halver | hap | happenstance | happy chance | Heaven | heedless hap | helping | home | how they fall | ides of March | indeterminacy | indeterminateness | inevitability | intent | intention | interest | izzard | karma | kismet | last | last breath | last gasp | last things | last trumpet | last words | latter end | law of averages | life after death | life to come | lot | luck | measure | meed | mess | modicum | moiety | moira | next world | objective | omega | opportunity | otherworld | Paradise | part | payoff | percentage | period | peroration | piece | planets | portion | postexistence | principle of indeterminacy | probability | problematicness | proportion | quantum | quietus | quota | rake-off | random sample | ration | resolution | resting place | risk | run of luck | segment | serendipity | share | slice | small share | stake | stars | statistical probability | stock | stoppage | stopping place | swan song | term | terminal | termination | terminus | the beyond | the breaks | the good hereafter | the grave | the great beyond | the great hereafter | the hereafter | the unknown | theory of probability | uncertainty | uncertainty principle | unlucky day | weird | what bodes | what is fated | whatever comes | wheel of fortune | will of Heaven | windup | world to come | Z

See Also | bad luck | causal agency | causal agent | cause | condition | day of reckoning | doom | doomsday | failure | good fortune | good luck | happening | ill luck | inevitable | karma | kismat | kismet | misfortune | natural event | occult | occurrence | predestination | providence | supernatural | tough luck

Destiny In Webster's Dictionary

\Des"ti*ny\, n.; pl. {Destinies}. [OE. destinee, destene, F. destin['e]e, from destiner. See {Destine}.] 1. That to which any person or thing is destined; predetermined state; condition foreordained by the Divine or by human will; fate; lot; doom. Thither he Will come to know his destiny. --Shak. No man of woman born, Coward or brave, can shun his destiny. --Bryant. 2. The fixed order of things; invincible necessity; fate; a resistless power or agency conceived of as determining the future, whether in general or of an individual. But who can turn the stream of destiny? --Spenser. Fame comes only when deserved, and then is as inevitable as destiny, for it is destiny. --Longfellow. {The Destinies} (Anc. Myth.), the three Parc[ae], or Fates; the supposed powers which preside over human life, and determine its circumstances and duration. Marked by the Destinies to be avoided. --Shak.

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Crossword Dictionary