About The Word Derision

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Learn about the word Derision to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Derision definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Derision Meaning & Definition
Derision Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Derision?

[n] the act of deriding or treating with contempt
[n] contemptuous laughter

Synonyms | Synonyms for Derision: ridicule

Related Terms | Find terms related to Derision: burlesque | butt | caricature | contempt | contumely | disrespect | jest | joke | lampoon | laughter | mock | mockery | pasquinade | pilgarlic | raillery | ridicule | sarcasm | satire | scoffing | scorn | sport | travesty

See Also | befooling | discourtesy | discourtesy | disrespect | jeer | jeering | mockery | offence | offense | offensive activity | put-down | scoff | scoffing | squelch | squelcher | stultification | takedown

Derision In Webster's Dictionary

\De*ri"sion\, n. [L. derisio: cf. F. d['e]rision. See {Deride}.] 1. The act of deriding, or the state of being derided; mockery; scornful or contemptuous treatment which holds one up to ridicule. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall have them in derision. --Ps. ii. 4. Satan beheld their plight, And to his mates thus in derision called. --Milton. 2. An object of derision or scorn; a laughing-stock. I was a derision to all my people. --Lam. iii. 14. Syn: Scorn; mockery; contempt; insult; ridicule.

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