About The Word Darn

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Learn about the word Darn to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Darn definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Darn Meaning & Definition
Darn Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Darn?

[n] something of little value; "it is not worth a damn"; "not worth shucks"
[n] a euphemism for `damn'
[v] repair by sewing, esp. of socks

Synonyms | Synonyms for Darn: damn | hoot | shit | shucks | tinker's dam | tinker's damn

Related Terms | Find terms related to Darn: absolute | accurse | anathematize | blamed | blankety-blank | blaspheme | blast | blasted | blessed | cobble | commission | condition | confound | confounded | curse | cursed | cussed | damn | do up | doctor | doggone | downright | excommunicate | execrate | fix | fix up | fulminate against | hex | imprecate | infernal | mend | outright | overhaul | patch | patch up | positive | put in commission | put in order | put in repair | put in shape | ready | recap | recondition | repair | retread | service | set to rights | sew up | straight-out | throw a whammy | thunder against | tinker | tinker up | unmitigated

See Also | bushel | doctor | euphemism | fix | furbish up | mend | repair | restore | run up | sew | sew together | stitch | touch on | worthlessness

Darn In Webster's Dictionary

\Darn\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Darned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Darning}.] [OE. derne, prob. of Celtic origin; cf. W. darnio to piece, break in pieces, W. & Arm. to E. tear. Cf. {Tear}, v. t.] To mend as a rent or hole, with interlacing stitches of yarn or thread by means of a needle; to sew together with yarn or thread. He spent every day ten hours in his closet, in darning his stockins. --Swift. {Darning last}. See under {Last}. {Darning needle}. (a) A long, strong needle for mending holes or rents, especially in stockings. (b) (Zo["o]l.) Any species of dragon fly, having a long, cylindrical body, resembling a needle. These flies are harmless and without stings. Note: [In this sense, usually written with a hyphen.] Called also {devil's darning-needle}.
\Darn\, n. A place mended by darning.
\Darn\, v. t. A colloquial euphemism for {Damn}.

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