About The Word Bunting

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Learn about the word Bunting to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Bunting definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Bunting Meaning & Definition
Bunting Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Bunting?

[n] any of numerous seed-eating songbirds of Europe or North America
[n] a loosely woven fabric used for flags, etc.

Synonyms | Synonyms for Bunting:

Related Terms | Find terms related to Bunting: and blue | banderole | banner | banneret | black flag | blue ensign | burgee | coachwhip | colors | Dannebrog | ensign | flag | gonfalon | gonfanon | guidon | house flag | jack | Jolly Roger | long pennant | merchant flag | national flag | Old Glory | oriflamme | pennant | pennon | pennoncel | red | red ensign | royal standard | signal flag | standard | Stars and Stripes | Star-Spangled Banner | streamer | swallowtail | tricolor | Union Flag | Union Jack | vexillum | white

See Also | cloth | Emberiza aureola | Emberiza citrinella | Emberiza hortulana | Emberiza schoeniclus | fabric | finch | indigo bird | indigo bunting | indigo finch | material | ortolan | ortolan bunting | Passerina cyanea | Plectrophenax nivalis | reed bunting | snow bunting | snowbird | snowflake | textile | yellow bunting | yellow-breasted bunting | yellowhammer

Bunting In Webster's Dictionary

\Bun"ting\, n. [Scot. buntlin, corn-buntlin, OE. bunting, buntyle; of unknown origin.] (Zo["o]l.) A bird of the genus {Emberiza}, or of an allied genus, related to the finches and sparrows (family {Fringillid[ae]}). Note: Among European species are the common or corn bunting ({Emberiza miliaria}); the ortolan ({E. hortulana}); the cirl ({E. cirlus}); and the black-headed ({Granitivora melanocephala}). American species are the bay-winged or grass ({Po["o]c[ae]tes or Po[oe]cetes gramineus}); the black-throated ({Spiza Americana}); the towhee bunting or chewink ({Pipilo}); the snow bunting ({Plectrophanax nivalis}); the rice bunting or bobolink, and others. See {Ortolan}, {Chewick}, {Snow bunting}, {Lark bunting}.
\Bun"ting\, Buntine \Bun"tine\, n. [Prov. E. bunting sifting flour, OE. bonten to sift, hence prob. the material used for that purpose.] A thin woolen stuff, used chiefly for flags, colors, and ships' signals.

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