About The Word Bryophyta

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Learn about the word Bryophyta to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Bryophyta definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Bryophyta Meaning & Definition
Bryophyta Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Bryophyta?

[n] a division of nonflowering plants characterized by rhizoids rather than true roots and having little or no organized vascular tissue and showing alternation of generations between gamete-bearing forms and spore-bearing forms; comprises true mosses (Bryopsida) and liverworts (Hepaticopsida) and hornworts (Anthoceropsida)

Synonyms | Synonyms for Bryophyta: division Bryophyta

Related Terms | Find terms related to Bryophyta:

See Also | Anthoceropsida | bryophyte | Bryopsida | class Anthoceropsida | class Bryopsida | class Hepaticae | class Hepaticopsida | class Musci | division | Hepaticae | Hepaticopsida | kingdom Plantae | moss family | moss genus | Musci | nonvascular plant | plant kingdom | Plantae

Bryophyta In Webster's Dictionary

\Bry*oph"y*ta\, n. pl. See {Cryptogamia}.

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