About The Word Because

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Learn about the word Because to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Because definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Because Meaning & Definition
Because Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Because?

Synonyms | Synonyms for Because:

Related Terms | Find terms related to Because: as | as long as | as things go | being | being as how | cause | considering | for | forasmuch as | in that | inasmuch as | insofar as | insomuch as | now | parce que | seeing | seeing as how | seeing that | since | whereas

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Because In Webster's Dictionary

\Be*cause"\, conj. [OE. bycause; by + cause.] 1. By or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that. --Milton. 2. In order that; that. [Obs.] And the multitude rebuked them because they should hold their peace. --Matt. xx. 31. {Because of}, by reason of, on account of. [Prep. phrase.] Because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. --Eph. v. 6. Syn: {Because}, {For}, {Since}, {As}, {Inasmuch As}. Usage: These particles are used, in certain connections, to assign the reason of a thing, or that ``on account of'' which it is or takes place. Because (by cause) is the strongest and most emphatic; as, I hid myself because I was afraid. For is not quite so strong; as, in Shakespeare, ``I hate him, for he is a Christian.'' Since is less formal and more incidental than because; as, I will do it since you request me. It more commonly begins a sentence; as, Since your decision is made, I will say no more. As is still more incidental than since, and points to some existing fact by way of assigning a reason. Thus we say, as I knew him to be out of town, I did not call. Inasmuch as seems to carry with it a kind of qualification which does not belong to the rest. Thus, if we say, I am ready to accept your proposal, inasmuch as I believe it is the best you can offer, we mean, it is only with this understanding that we can accept it.

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