About The Word Astronomer

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Learn about the word Astronomer to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Astronomer definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Astronomer Meaning & Definition
Astronomer Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Astronomer?

[n] a physicist who studies astronomy

Synonyms | Synonyms for Astronomer: stargazer | uranologist

Related Terms | Find terms related to Astronomer:

See Also | Anders Celsius | Aristarchus of Samos | Asaph Hall | astrophysicist | Benjamin Peirce | Bessel | Bowditch | Celsius | Claudius Ptolemaeus | Clyde William Tombaugh | Copernicus | cosmologist | David Rittenhouse | Eddington | Edmond Halley | Edmund Halley | Edwin Hubble | Edwin Powell Hubble | Eratosthenes | Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel | Galileo | Galileo Galilei | George Ellery Hale | Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli | Hale | Hall | Halley | Harlow Shapley | Henry Norris Russell | Henry Russell | Herschel | Hipparchus | Hubble | Huggins | Hypatia | Jan Hendrix Oort | Johan Kepler | Johann Muller | Johannes Kepler | John Herschel | Kepler | Langley | Laplace | Lovell | Lowell | Maria Mitchell | Marquis de Laplace | Mikolaj Kopernik | Mitchell | Muller | Nathaniel Bowditch | Newcomb | Nicolaus Copernicus | Omar Khayyam | Oort | Peirce | Percival Lowell | physicist | Pierre Simon de Laplace | Ptolemy | Regiomontanus | Rittenhouse | Russell | Samuel Pierpoint Langley | Schiaparelli | Shapley | Simon Newcomb | Sir Alfred Charles Bernard Lovell | Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington | Sir Bernard Lovell | Sir Frederick William Herschel | Sir John Frederick William Herschel | Sir John Herschel | Sir William Herschel | Sir William Huggins | Sitter | Thales | Thales of Miletus | Tombaugh | Willem de Sitter | William Herschel

Astronomer In Webster's Dictionary

\As*tron"o*mer\, n. [See {Astronomy}.] 1. An astrologer. [Obs.] --Shak. 2. One who is versed in astronomy; one who has a knowledge of the laws of the heavenly orbs, or the principles by which their motions are regulated, with their various phenomena. An undevout astronomer is mad. --Young.

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