About The Word Assiduous

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Learn about the word Assiduous to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Assiduous definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Assiduous Meaning & Definition
Assiduous Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Assiduous?

[adj] marked by care and persistent effort; "her assiduous attempts to learn French"; "assiduous research"; "sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Assiduous: diligent | sedulous

Related Terms | Find terms related to Assiduous: advertent | agog | alert | all ears | all eyes | ardent | attentive | aware | careful | concentrated | conscious | constant | continuing | diligent | dogged | earnest | elaborate | enduring | energetic | faithful | fervent | finical | finicking | finicky | hard | hardworking | heedful | immutable | inalterable | indefatigable | indomitable | industrious | insistent | intense | intent | intentive | invincible | laborious | lasting | loyal | meticulous | mindful | never idle | never-tiring | nice | niggling | observant | observing | obstinate | on the ball | on the job | open-eared | open-eyed | openmouthed | operose | painstaking | patient | patient as Job | permanent | perseverant | persevering | persistent | persisting | pertinacious | plodding | plugging | preoccupied | rapt | regardful | relentless | resolute | sedulous | single-minded | sleepless | slogging | stable | steadfast | steady | strenuous | stubborn | tenacious | thorough | thoroughgoing | tireless | unabating | unconquerable | undaunted | undiscouraged | undrooping | unfailing | unfaltering | unflagging | unflinching | unintermitting | uninterrupted | unnodding | unrelaxing | unrelenting | unremitting | unsleeping | unsparing | unswerving | untiring | unwavering | unwearied | unwearying | unwinking | utterly attentive | vehement | watchful | weariless | zealous

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Assiduous In Webster's Dictionary

\As*sid"u*ous\, a. [L. assiduus, fr. assid?re to sit near or close; ad + sed[=e]re to sit. See {Sit}.] 1. Constant in application or attention; devoted; attentive; unremitting. She grows more assiduous in her attendance. --Addison. 2. Performed with constant diligence or attention; unremitting; persistent; as, assiduous labor. To weary him with my assiduous cries. --Milton. Syn: Diligent; attentive; sedulous; unwearied; unintermitted; persevering; laborious; indefatigable. {As*sid"u*ous*ly}, adv. -- {As*sid"u*ous*ness}, n.

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