About The Word Arriere-ban

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Arriere-ban Meaning & Definition
Arriere-ban Definition And Meaning

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Arriere-ban In Webster's Dictionary

\Ar*riere"-ban`\, n. [F., fr. OE. arban, heriban, fr. OHG. hariban, heriban, G. heerbann, the calling together of an army; OHG. heri an army + ban a public call or order. The French have misunderstood their old word, and have changed it into arri[`e]re-ban, though arri[`e]re has no connection with its proper meaning. See {Ban}, {Abandon}.] A proclamation, as of the French kings, calling not only their immediate feudatories, but the vassals of these feudatories, to take the field for war; also, the body of vassals called or liable to be called to arms, as in ancient France.

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