About The Word Alleluia

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Alleluia Meaning & Definition
Alleluia Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Alleluia?

Synonyms | Synonyms for Alleluia:

Related Terms | Find terms related to Alleluia: Agnus Dei | Anamnesis | answer | anthem | antiphon | antiphony | applause | Benedicite | Blessing | Canon | canticle | chant | cheer | chorale | chorus of cheers | Collect | Communion | Consecration | Credo | cry | Dismissal | doxology | Epistle | Fraction | Gloria | Gloria in Excelsis | Gloria Patri | Gospel | Gradual | hallelujah | hooray | hosanna | hurrah | hurray | huzzah | hymn | hymn of praise | hymnody | hymnography | hymnology | Introit | Kyrie | Kyrie Eleison | Last Gospel | laud | Lavabo | Magnificat | mantra | Miserere | motet | Nunc Dimittis | Offertory | offertory sentence | paean | Paternoster | Pax | Post-Communion | Preface | psalm | psalmody | rah | report | response | responsory | Sanctus | Secreta | shout | Te Deum | Tersanctus | Tract | Trisagion | Vedic hymn | versicle | yell | yippee

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Alleluia In Webster's Dictionary

\Al`le*lu"ia\, Alleluiah \Al`le*lu"iah\, n. [L. alleluia, Gr. ?, fr. Heb. hall[=e]l[=u]-y[=a]h. See {Hallelujah}.] An exclamation signifying Praise ye Jehovah. Hence: A song of praise to God. See {Hallelujah}, the commoner form. I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia. --Rev. xix. 1.

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