About The Word Adaptation

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Learn about the word Adaptation to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Adaptation definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Adaptation Meaning & Definition
Adaptation Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Adaptation?

[n] (physiology) the responsive adjustment of a sense organ (as the eye) to varying conditions (as of light)
[n] a written work (as a novel) that has been recast in a new form; "the play is an adaptation of a short novel"
[n] the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions)

Synonyms | Synonyms for Adaptation: adjustment | version

Related Terms | Find terms related to Adaptation: about-face | absolute music | accommodation | accord | accordance | acquiescence | adaption | adjusting | adjustment | agreement | air varie | aleatory | aleatory music | alignment | alteration | amelioration | apostasy | arrangement | assimilation | attunement | bearings | betterment | biological evolution | break | chamber music | chamber orchestra | change | change of heart | changeableness | coaptation | compliance | composition | conditioning | conformance | conformation other-direction | conformity | congruity | consistency | constructive change | continuity | conventionality | conversion | coordination | correspondence | defection | degeneration | degenerative change | descant | deterioration | deviation | difference | discontinuity | disorientation | divergence | diversification | diversion | diversity | electronic music | enablement | equipment | etude | exercise | fit | fitting | flexibility | flip-flop | furnishing | genesis | gradual change | harmonization | harmony | horotely | improvement | incidental music | instrumental music | instrumentation | integration | intonation | invention | keeping | line | malleability | melioration | mitigation | modification | modifying | modulation | Nachtmusik | natural selection | nocturne | obedience | observance | ontogenesis | ontogeny | opus | orchestration | orientation | orthodoxy | overthrow | phrasing | phylogenesis | phylogeny | physiogenesis | physiogeny | piece | pliancy | preparation | production | program music | qualification | radical change | realignment | reconcilement | reconciliation | re-creation | redesign | reform | reformation | regulation | remaking | renewal | reshaping | resolution | restructuring | reversal | revival | revivification | revolution | ricercar | score | setting | shift | solution | sonata | sonatina | squaring | strictness | string orchestra | string quartet | study | sudden change | suiting | suspension | switch | synchronization | tachytely | theme and variations | timing | tone painting | total change | traditionalism | transcription | transition | trio | tuning | turn | turnabout | uniformity | upheaval | variation | variety | violent change | work | worsening

See Also | acclimation | acclimatisation | acclimatization | adjustment | alteration | biological process | dark adaptation | dedifferentiation | differentiation | domestication | light adaptation | modernization | modification | organic process | piece of writing | specialisation | specialization | versification | writing | written material

Adaptation In Webster's Dictionary

\Ad`ap*ta"tion\, n. [Cf. F. adaptation, LL. adaptatio.] 1. The act or process of adapting, or fitting; or the state of being adapted or fitted; fitness. ``Adaptation of the means to the end.'' --Erskine. 2. The result of adapting; an adapted form.

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