About The Word Abrasive

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Learn about the word Abrasive to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Abrasive definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Abrasive Meaning & Definition
Abrasive Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Abrasive?

[n] a substance that abrades or wears down
[adj] sharply disagreeable; rigorous; "the harsh facts of court delays"; "an abrasive character"
[adj] causing abrasion

Synonyms | Synonyms for Abrasive: abradant | abrasive material | disagreeable | harsh | rough | scratchy | unsmooth

Related Terms | Find terms related to Abrasive: ablation | ablative | abradant | abrasion | aluminum oxide | attrition | attritive | auto polish | buffing | burnish | burnishing | chafe | chafing | colcothar | corundum | crocus | detrition | dressing | emery | emery board | emery paper | erasure | erosion | erosive | file | filing | fretting | galling | garnet | gnawing | grazing | grinding | lawn-roller | limation | nail file | polish | polishes | polishing | pumice | pumice stone | rasp | rasping | roller | rottenstone | rouge | rubbing away | sandblasting | sanding | sandpaper | scouring | scrape | scraping | scratch | scratching | scrub | scrubbing | scuff | shining | shoe polish | silicon carbide | silver polish | sleeker | slicker | smooth | smoother | smoothing | wax | wear | wearing away

See Also | carborundum | emery cloth | emery paper | material | sandpaper | steel wool | stuff | wire wool

Abrasive In Webster's Dictionary

\Ab*ra"sive\, a. Producing abrasion. --Ure.

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