About The Abbreviation Or Acronym VIC
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VIC Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of VIC?
V.35 Interface Cable
VAICO Valvular interstitial cell Valvular interstitial cells VAN KAMPEN TRUST FOR INVESTMENT GRADE CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL Vapor Injection Cure Variable impedance characterization Variable Inertia Control Variable Infiltration Capacity Variable Instruction Computer Vasoactive intestinal contractor Vast interface change Vector In Commander Vector-In-Command Vegetative incompatibility Vehicle Identification Code Vehicle Identification Codes VEHICLE IDENTITY CHECK Vehicular Intercommunication Vendor Independent Calendaring Verity Intelligent Classifier Version Identification Code Very Inexpensive Computer Veteran Identification Card Veterinary Investigation Centre Vicinity VICKERS Victoria Video Interface Chip Video Interface Controller Vienna International Center VIP Servicios Aereos Ejecutivos Virginia Intermont College Virtual Illinois Catalog Virtual Image Cluster Virtual Image Cluster module Virtual Image Copy Virtual Information Center Virtual Interaction Controller Virus Indexing Centre Visibility of In-transit Cargo Visibility of Information Cargo Visitor Information Center Visitor Information Centre Visitor Information Councilor Visitors Information Center Visual communication therapy Visual Information Centers VMEbus Interface Controller Voice intensity control Voice Interface Card Voice Interface Cards Volumetric Infusion Controller VP16-induced complex |
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