About The Abbreviation Or Acronym VEC

Bay Area Crosswords

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VEC Meaning
VEC Meaning

What's The Meaning Of VEC?

Vaginal epithelial cells
Vaginal epithelial changes
Valance-Electron Concentration
Valued Environmental Component
Valvular endothelial cells
Variable Energy Cyclotron
Variable Energy Cyclotrons
Variable explosive chamber
Vascular endothelial cell
Vascular endothelial cells
Vechta, Niedersachsen
Vehicle emissions certificate
Velocity encoding cine
Velocity-encoded cine
Venescar Internacional
Vertical electrical chase
Video Enhancement Contrast
Video-enhanced contrast
Virtual Embedded Circuitry
Virtual environment control
Visceral epithelial cells
Vocational Education Committee
Vocational Educational Committee
Volunteer Examiner Coordinator

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