About The Abbreviation Or Acronym VCD

Bay Area Crosswords

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VCD Meaning
VCD Meaning

What's The Meaning Of VCD?

Vacuum Carbon Deoxidation
Vacuum constriction device
Vallecito Community Day
Valley Community Day
Value Change Dump
Van Capelle-Durrer
Vapor Compressed Distillation
Vapor Compression Distillation
Variable Capacitance Diode
Variable Center Device
Variable Center Distance
Vector Control District
Vector Correlation Detection
Vena cava diameter
Vendor-certified drawing
Verification Control Database
Verification Control Document
Verification of Correction of Deficiencies
Vibrational CD
Vibrational circular dichroism
Video Compact Disc
Video Compact Disk
Vinylcyclohexene diepoxide
Virtual CD
Virtual Channel Descriptor
Virtual Circuit Descriptor
Virtual Communication Device
Virtual Communications Driver
Visual Class Designer
Visual Communications Design
Vitreous chamber depth
Vocal cord dysfunction
Voice Plus Data
Volitional conduct disorder
Voltage Charge Device
Voltage Controlled Device
Volume control damper

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

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