About The Abbreviation Or Acronym UP

Bay Area Crosswords

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UP Meaning
UP Meaning

What's The Meaning Of UP?

Ulcerated plaque
Ulcerative proctitis
Ulster Polytechnic
Ultrafilterable platinum
Ultrahigh purity
Ultraspherical Polynomials
Unanticipated Problem
Uncinate process
Uncoupling protein
Under Payment
Under provisions
Unearned Premium
Uni Processor
Unified Process
Unified Processor
Unified Programme
Uninterruptible power
Union Pacific
Union Pacific Railroad
Union Pacific Railroad Company
Unipolar depression
Unipolar disorder
Unipolar patients
Unit Price
Unit process
United Party
United Press
Universal platform
Universal precautions
Universal Preenrichment
Universal Programmer
Universidad Pontifica
Universidade de Porto
University of Panama
University of Panjab
University of Pennsylvania
University of Phoenix
University of Pittsburgh
University of Poona
University of Portland
University of Portsmouth
University of the Pacific
University of the Philippines
University Park
University Professor
Unknown Precipitation
Unnumbered Poll
Unrecognized Parameter
Unrotating Projectiles
Unrotative Projectile
Unsaturated polyester
Unsolicited Proposal
Unstable Particle
Unstable plaques
Untamed Planets
Upbanding Module
Update Processing
Update Processor
Update Program
Upper Part
Upper Peninsula
Upright posture
Uranium Phosphide
Urban planning
Urban Programme
Urea Phosphate
Uremic patients
Ureteral pressure
Urethral pressure
Urgent pointer
Uridine Phosphate
Uridine phosphorylase
Urinary excretion of protein
Urinary protein
Urinary protein excretion
Urine protein
Urticaria pigmentosa
Usage Processing
Used Part
User Part
User Parts
User Process
User Profile
User Protocol
User Provided
Utility Path
Utility Program
Uttar Pradesh

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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