About The Abbreviation Or Acronym TS

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TS Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of TS?
Air Transat
Service tee Standard Temperature T cells T cytotoxic/suppressor T lymphocytes T suppressor T suppressor cell T suppressor cells T suppressor/cytotoxic Tabu Search Tactical Systems Taft School Tail short Tail somites Tail-suspended Tail-suspension Takagi-Sugeno Takayasu syndrome Talc slurry Tallowood School Tandem Supplement Tandem Switch Tandem Switching Tangara School TanSuo Tape Status Tape Storage Tape stripping Tape System Taper Shank Tar Sand Target size Target Spotting Target Start Target stimulus Target strength Target Support Target System Task Switch Task Switched Tatnall School Taura syndrome Taxable Supply Tay-Sachs Taylor Series TeamSpeak Tech Support Technical Section Technical Service Technical Services Technical solution Technical Solutions Technical Specialist Technical Specialists Technical Specification Technical Specifications Technical Standard Technical Strategy Technical Subcommittees Technical Summary Technical Support Technically successful Technology Services Technology Summary Telecom Service Telecommunication Sector Telecommunications Services Telecommunications System Telegraph Service Telegraph System Telekom Service Telemedicine system Telemetry Simulator Telephony Scanner Telescope Scientist Teleservice Teleservice Server Telesync Telomeric substrate Temperature of Solid Temperature Scale Temperature sensing Temperature sensitive Temperature sensitivity Temperature Sensor Temperature shock TEMPERATURE SOUNDING Temperature switch Temperature, skin Temperatures Template strand Temporal stem Temporary Services Temporary Storage Tenant Support Tenaris S.A. Tensile Stage Tensile strength Tensile Stress Tension Spring Tentative Settlement Tenure Stream Teratology Society Terbutaline sulfate Terminal Server Terminal service Terminal Services Terminal station Terminating Service Termination System Terminator Set Terrestrial Space Terson's syndrome Tessellated Spheroid Test Test In Progress Test Set Test Site Test solution Test Solutions Test Specification Test Specimen Test Squadron Test Stand Test Station Test stimulus Test Strategy Test Suite Test Switch Testcase specifications Testing Services Testing Stage Testing Started Testosterone Testosterone sulfate Tetanic stimulation Tethered swimming Tetrahedral Site Thacher School The session The Specialists The staged Theatre Surgeon Theophylline sensitive Theoretical Science Theoretical Scientist Theoretical Statistician Theoretical Statistics Thermal sensation Thermal Sensor Thermal shield Thermal Shock Thermal Simulator THERMAL SMOOTH Thermal Spike Thermal Spray Thermal stability Thermal stable Thermal Storage Thermal Stress Thermal Subsystem Thermal Switch Thermal System Thermal Systems Thermosensitive Thermospray Thermostable Thermus scotoductus Thiosulfate This service Thomson scattering Thoracic spine Thoracic surgery Thoracoscopic surgery Thorium Series Threonine synthase Threshold shift Threshold shifts Throat swab Throat swabs Thrombospondin Thrombostasin Thromboxane synthase Thunderstorm Thunderstorm without precipitation Thymidilate synthase Thymidilate synthetase Thymidine synthase Thymidylate synthase Thymidylate synthases Thymidylate synthetase Thymostimulin Thyroid scintigraphy Thyroid stimulating Tidewater Southern Tidewater Southern Railway Tilton School Time at sea Time scale Time Schedule Time scheduled Time Series Time Sharing Time Sheets Time Signal Time slot Time source Time stamp Time Standard Time Stop Time Switch Time-Sharing Timeshift Timeswitch Timing Subsystem Timing system Tipperary School Tissue space Titanium Silicate Titjikala School Tityus serrulatus Tobacco smoke Tobacco smokers Tobacco Sunburst Toe spread Tokishakuyakusan Toll Switch Toll Switching Toogoolawa School Tool Steel Top of salt Top Secret Topographic Survey Topostructural Torch Soldering Toronto Star Torpedo Shell Torsional Strain Torsionally strained Tortured Souls Torus semicircularis Total Score Total sleep Total solid Total solids Total Strength Total survival Totally Stinks Touch Sensitivity Touch-Sensitive Tough shit Toughness Structure Tourette syndrome Tourette's Syndrome Toxic Shock Toxic substance Toxic Substances Toxic syndrome Trace Specification Traceability Serial Tracheal secretion Tracheal sound Tracheal stenosis Trachomatous scarring Tracker Station Tracking Subsystem Tractus solitarius Trade Secret Tradeskill Traditional surrogate Traffic Selector Traffic Sergeant Traffic shaping Trainee Station Training School Training Ship Training Simulator Training Squad Training Squadron Training Support Training System Trajectory Sampling Trajectory Synthesizer Trans-sialidase Trans-Stilbene Transaction Server Transaction Services Transaction Start Transcribed Transcribed strand Transcription start Transcriptional start Transcutaneous electrical stimulation Transdermal scopolamine Transexual Transfer Scheme Transfer standard Transfer Station Transfer switch Transfer Syntax Transferrin saturation Transformation Station Transformer Station Transient Stability Transient State Transistor Standard Transit Signaling Transit storage Transit Switch Transit time Transition Transition Set Transition sleep Transition state Transition states Transition structure Transitional sleep Translation Servers Translation Stage Transmission Scheme Transmission Service Transmission Services Transmission Speed Transmission Subsystem Transmission System Transmit Sites Transmit Synchronous Transmitting Station Transmural stimulation Transport service Transport Station Transport Stream Transport Streams Transportation Science Transportation Support Transportation System TransSexual Transsexualism Transsphenoidal Transsphenoidal surgery Transsulfuration Transthoracic sonography Transverse section Transverse sinus Transverse strength Transversospinalis Trapezius Trauma score Trauma Scores Traumatic synovitis Treadmill score Treatment system Triangularis sterni Tribunal Supremo Tribunals Services Triceps skinfold Triceps surae Triceps surae muscle Trichinella spiralis Trichosporin Tricuspid stenosis Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole Trinity School Trinity Software Triple Scattering Triple Space Triple strength Triplet State Trisomies Trisomy TriState Tristearin Tritium storage Trivial Solution TROJAN SPIRIT Trophoblast stem Tropical sprue Tropical storm Trouble Shoot Trout Stream Troyer syndrome Trypticase soy Tryptophan synthase TS-Tracker Tsp, teaspoon Tsui Scale Tubal sterilization Tube sheet Tuber sacrale Tuberculum sellae Tuberous sclerosis Tubular system Tumor size Tumor suppressor Tumor-specific Tumour suppressor Tunneling Spectroscopy Tunneling State Turbine Shaft Turbine Steamer Turbulence slope Turcot syndrome Turcot's syndrome Turner syndrome Turner's syndrome Twin Seater Twin spots Twin System Two Stage Tylosin Tympanosclerosis Type-specific |
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