About The Abbreviation Or Acronym TRF

Bay Area Crosswords

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TRF Meaning
TRF Meaning

What's The Meaning Of TRF?

Call Transfer
IATA code for Sandefjord Airport, Torp, Norway
T cell replacing factor
T cell-replacing factors
Tactical Reconnaissance Fighter
Tactical Relay Facility
Taxi Air Fret
TBP-related factor
Teacher Report Form
Teachers Report Form
Technical Replacement Factor
Telomere restricted fragment
Telomere restriction fragment
Telomere restriction fragments
Telomeric repeat binding factor
Telomeric restriction fragment
Telomeric Restriction Fragments
Temperature Recovery Factor
Templeton Russia Fund, Inc.
Temporal resolution factor
Temporary relocatable facility
Terminal renal failure
Terminal restriction flagment
Terminal restriction fragment
Terminal restriction fragment length
Terminal restriction fragments
Terrestrial Reference Frame
Test Requisition Form
Textbook Revolving Fund
Thailand Research Fund
Thermal release fraction
Thermogenic response to food
Thymus replacing factor
Thyrotrophin releasing factor
Thyrotropin releasing factor
Thyrotropin-releasing factor
Time-resolved fluorescence
Time-resolved fluorometry
Tocotrienol-rich fraction
Topographic Readiness Facility
Tracking & Receiving Facility
Trade Reporting Facility
Traffic Data Collected
Transfer Request File
Transferrin receptor function
Transition Reflection Formalism
Transport Research Facility
Transport Research Foundation
Transportation Research Forum
Treatment review form
Trident Refit Facility
Tritium Removal Facility
Tropical Forests Program
TSH Releasing Factor
TTAGGG repeat factor
Tubular rejection fraction
Tuned Radio Frequency
Turbine Rear Frame
Turbine Research Facility

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Abbreviations & Acronyms Dictionary