About The Abbreviation Or Acronym TR

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TR Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of TR?
T cell receptor
T cell Receptors T regulatory T right T3 receptor T3 receptors Table Row Table Run Tactical Reconnaissance Tail Rotor Tamper Resistance Tamper-Resistant Tandem repeat Tandem repeats Tandemly repeated Tank regiment Tannery Run Tansy ragwort Tape and Reel Tape Reader Tape Recorder Tape Recording Tape Resident Tapping rate Task Register Taste reactivity Taxa Richness Teal Ruby Team Rector Team Review Tech Reps Technical Reference Technical Refresh Technical Regulations Technical Release Technical Report Technical Reports Technical Representative Technical requirement Technical Requirements Technical Research Technical Review Technique Report Technische Richtlinien Technology Report Technology Requirement Telcom report Telecom Request Telecommunication Room Telecommunications Request Telecommunications Room Teleoperator Retrieval Telomerase RNA Telomeric repeat Temper Rolled Temper Rolling Temperature Temperature Rate Temperature recorder Temperature Regulator Temperature resistant Temperature rising Temperature, rectal Temperatures Temporal Reference Temporary Refuge Temporary Register Temporary Revision Temporary Revisions Tendon reflexes Tennessee Region Tennessee River Terminal Ready Terminal repeat Terminal repeats Terminal room Terminating Resistor Terminator Rise Terrestrial Radiation Test Range Test Reactor Test Register Test Relief Test Report Test request Test Responder Test Result Tetrazolium reduction Texas red Text Relay Texto Refundido TH receptor Thalamic reticular nucleus Thawing rate The Rock The rotor Thearubigin Thearubigins Theater Reserves Theatre reserve Theophylline resistant Therapeutic radiology Therapeutic range Therapeutic ratio Therapeutic recreation Therapy-related Thermal Radiation Thermal Radiator Thermal Reactor Thermal Regenerator Thermal Regulation Thermal Resistance Thermit Reaction Thermoresistant Thiazin red Thickness to radius Thiokol Rubber Thioredoxin Thioredoxin reductase This regulation Threat reduction Threshold Thrombin receptor Thrust Reverser Thunder Range Thyroid hormone Thyroid hormone nuclear receptor Thyroid hormone receptor Thyroid hormone receptors Thyroid receptor Tiazofurin Tidal Range Tide Range Tie Rod Tiger Airways Tile Red Tiled Roofing Time of rise Time Reference Time release Time Resolution Time restraint Time to relengthening Time to Retrofire Time-Release Time-resolved Times Roman Timing Reference Tincture Tissue ratio Tissue resistance Token Ring Token-Ring Toll regions Toll Restriction Tollens' Reagent Tomahawk Railway Tomahawk Railway LP Tomb Raider Tone Receiver Tons Registered Tool Request Toothed ring Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. Top Register Top Running Topical report Toronto Torque Ratio Torque Receiver Torque Repeater Torsional Rigidity Total Radiation Total Reaction Total Reflection Total renin Total resistance Total response Total Revenue Towel rack Towel rail Township and Range Trace Trachea Tracheid Tracheostomy Track Tracking radar Tracking Regulator Traction Trade Ranger Traditional Reserves TRADOC Regulation Traffic Traffic Registers Traffic Regulation Traffic Route Tragion TRAIL Train Trained Trainer Training Training requirement Training Reserve TranceRoute Transaction Transaction Report Transaction Routing Transaldolase Transbrasil Transfer Transfer Reactions Transfer Register Transfer Request Transfer Restriction Transferrin Transferrin receptor Transferrin receptors Transformation Transformation disclination Transformation for Random Transformer Transformer Rectifier Transformer room Transfusion reaction Transgenic Transient Reflectance Transient responders Transient response Transistor Transistor Radio TRansit Transit Exchange Transition Transition region Transitional Radiation Transitional region Translate Translated Translation Translation Register Translator Translesion replication Translucent Translucent Red Transmissibility Ratio Transmission Transmission Range Transmission rate Transmission Report TRansmit Transmit Ready Transmit Receive Transmit-“Receive Transmit/Receive Transmitter Transmitter-receiver Transom Transparencies Transparent Transpiration rate Transpiration rates Transplant recipients Transplantation Transponder Transport Transport rate Transportability Report Transportation Report Transportation Request Transportation Research Transpose Transposition Transrectal Transuranium Registry Transverse Transverse Resonance Trapezius Trapezoidal Rule Trauma Trauma registry Traumatic TRavan Travel Request Tread Treadmill Treadmill run Treadmill running Treadmill-trained Treasure Treatment Report Trembler Tremor Triamcinolone Triathlon run Trichophyton rubrum Tricuspd Regurgitation Tricuspid Tricuspid regurgitation Tricuspid valve regurgitation Triiodothyronine Trinder reagent Trinity River Triose reductone Trip report Triradial Tritium recovery Triton X-100 Trochanter Troglitazone Troop Trophectoderm Tropical Rainforest Tropinone reductase Trouble Report Trouble Reports Trp repressor Truck Ramp True Range True recurrence Trunk Reservation Truss Trust Rank Trust receipt Trustee Trypanothione reductase Trypsin Trypsin-resistant Tryptamine Tryptophan repressor Tubal Reversal Tube Transmit-“Receive tube Tuberculin R Tuberculin residue Tubular reabsorption Tubular reactor Tumor recurrence Tuning Range Turberculin residue Turbidity-reducing Turbine Reverser Turbine Rotor TURKEY Turkish Reactor Turn Radius Turnover Rate Turnover rates Turnover ratio Tyndall-Roentgen Type Rating Type Record |
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