About The Abbreviation Or Acronym TBI

Bay Area Crosswords

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TBI Meaning
TBI Meaning

What's The Meaning Of TBI?

Body Axis-To-Inertial Transformation Matrix
TAB Express International
Tape and Buffer Index
Target-Bearing Indicator
Technology Business Incubator
Ten Bit Interface
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
Tetrapolar bioelectrical impedance
Text-based instruction
The Brookings Institution
Thromboplastin Bilbao
Thrombotic brain infarction
Throttle Body Fuel Injection
Throttle Body Injection
Through bulkhead igniter
Through Bulkhead Initiator
Through-Bulkhead Initiator
Thyroid binding index
Thyroid-binding index
Thyrotropin binding inhibition
Thyroxine binding index
Thyroxine-binding index
Time-based injection
Tissue Banks International
To be inactivated
To Be Issued
Toe brachial index
Toll Barge-In
Toll Break-In
Tooth brushing instruction
Tooth-brushing instruction
Toronto Biotechnology Initiative
Total bilirubin
Total binding index
Total body impedance
Total body iron
Total body irradiated
Total body irradiation
Total body radiation
Total bone index
Total Business Integration
Total-body irradiation
Total-body X irradiation
Trabecular bone index
Trade Bank of Iraq
Translid binocular interactor
Traumatic brain injured
Traumatic brain injuries
Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatically brain-injured
TSH binding inhibition
Turbomotori Internazionale
Turn and Bank Indicator

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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